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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. That poor kid. Living proof of what can happen if you're born into a dirt poor family in a 3rd world country. We should be thankful every day for what we have....
  2. That's 'cause you're a child of the 60s Rockpile That generation knew how to protest!!
  3. Well the protest can't work if everyone has a different idea on how to protest. This letter has been distributed to all the Bills Backers groups around the country.
  4. This message is being circulated around to the Bills Backers members throughout the country. But obviously, it can only be successful if the locals hear about it. What a great idea! Please spread the word to your friends and family who are going to the game if you want to send a message to OBD. "This is the only way to be organized as well as do a peaceful protest against Donahoe and the way the team has turned out. If fans bring in a sign or wear a bag, they will be taken away and you will be left with no form of protest besides or schedule chants of "Donahoe Must Go"! Security will have a zero tolerance this Saturday, be warned! Wear an orange hat, wear a hunting jacket, wear an orange scarf…whatever, but become active on National TV as you have seen happening in Detroit. This is our team and we demand more from management than the product we've supported the last 5 years. Why Orange? Because Orange is highly visible. If you wore white and it snows, will it show on TV? No. Red and Blue are team colors, where's the protest in that? Black won’t show either, Orange is the only highly visible color, as hunters know, that can be seen at night and in snowy conditions. Wear a Bills hat and an Orange jacket, wear an Orange Hat and a Bills jacket, whatever but do something. As fact, all signs and paper bags will be taken at the gate. It's working in Detroit, after fans realized that they were no longer allowed to protest with signs or bags, they also switched to this. Once management realizes that an "Orange out" at RWS is our way of a peaceful and organized protest vs. not seeing any signs or paper bags, he'll open his eyes and ears to us. Why not just boycott the game? Boycott the game, I think we're better fans than that. Let’s not bring us down as fans, show up, root for the boys on the field but show management that we're sick of the crap and we want a change!"
  5. Wonderful story Nick. Bloody marvelous!! Glad you got home safely.
  6. I'm amazed that it would go on so long without exchanging pictures. How stupid is that?
  7. I'm so glad that being a woman, I don't feel compelled to contribute to this thread....
  8. 62. Approaching the playoffs and living in the town where Bledsoe is playing
  9. How sweet of you to take the time VA.
  10. The Best Western Airport or Quality Inn Airport are both low in price, but rooms are clean and comfortable.
  11. Thanks for not putting cat faces on the bunnies.
  12. I've seen a lot of "tard" attacks right here on the wall . I agree that she has a right to write whatever she wants. I respect her for her amazing creativity. But on the other hand, I worry that she can breed.
  13. I just thought it was funny today when I got to the sports bar. Some older Bills fan started to cheer when he saw the snow in the stadium and the weather report. he was excited that we would have a "weather" advantage.....against the Patriots??? I thought it was funny and that's what got me thinking about this subject.
  14. Some Bills fans I know here in Dallas are having a Christmas Party that night. About 8 other fans are also going. We're going to arrive early, take a bunch of food and beer upstairs to their game room and watch the game on the big TV while the rest of their guests party downstairs. So cool.
  15. I'll defer to all you experts our there for the right answers to my question: Watching them floating around in the snow today, I was wondering how many of our starters have much experience playing in snow? Looking at where most of them went to college - have we become a "warm weather" team?
  16. But...but....but...the snow looked SO PRETTY on TV.
  17. Couldn't get any of us chicks to make you a sammich? Cablelady? Shame on you, neglecting BiB.
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