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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. We had a good time at the Season Opener and we won. Our game against New Orleans was moved to San Antonio. Don't care much about the off season - there are no tailgate parties.
  2. I'll be at NAB also. From set up through to dismantle My company is exhibiting. PM me with your email addy and I'll send you lots of ideas
  3. Report (at The Dean's request): The fix-up date on Saturday to the Wizards game worked out so well that he invited me over to his brother's house in McLean, VA for a super bowl party. I was the only one in the room rooting for Seattle - it was tough. A nice man - but a little too "old" for me. But at least I didn't have to go to a sports bar alone. Had some good Irish food at the Dubliner tonight. There's a little Austrian cafe around the corner from the hotel. Gotta go there tomorrow night for some Bavarian beer - yum. No offense to my Texas friends - but it sure is great to be away from those Texas accents for a few days.
  4. Wow! I'm flattered! Been a few years since I had two guys spatting over me. I'm here on the company so I can catch a cab. Just didn't want anything way out in the suburbs and have to explain a long cab ride to the acctg dept. It's gray and raining here. I've got a "fix up" date who is taking me to the Wizards game tonight. Good seats too. That should be cool. Does anyone on this board work in the City?
  5. I'm taking a raincoat. I'll put it on as I leave Reagan airport, just in case that damn monkey is around.
  6. I'm leaving tomorrow and will be there until next Friday. Staying downtown near the convention center at the Hilton Garden Inn. Looks like I'm stuck watching the Super Bowl alone so I'd like to find someplace rowdy with good wings and beer (and even some good looking men) Any recommendations? It will need to be close to downtown because I'm not renting a car. Thanks.
  7. It's not the plate so much Lana - it's the great company that makes it special.
  8. Season Opener.....here I come!!! That's if Jay is still a kind hearted soul.
  9. Haven't seen the movie....does it really suck?
  10. I wish there was a way to tell the difference between: 1. The horrific sex offenders who have molested little children, and 2. The 18 year old boy who has consensual sex with his 16 year old girlfriend, gets caught by her parents and arrested. Sadly, they both end up on the same list.
  11. OMG - I leave for a few days and this board goes to hell. You kids are soooo bad.
  12. It's 70 degrees here. I'm gonna lay out by the pool.
  13. I'm so very sorry Nick. Lots of prayers coming to you and your family. Please keep us updated.
  14. All those bananas can overload your potassium levels. Its bad for your heart. Also, it doesn't sound like you're getting enough variety of vegetables for the right amount of fiber and antioxidents. Take a long look at the South Beach diet or similar. It's the only one I've seen that encourages a good balance of nutrients and the "maintenance" stage is definitely an eating style that is realistic. Good luck.
  15. That's funny. We girls have had opposite sex doctors for years who touch us everywhere. I always followed Tenny's advice. Just closed my eyes and thought of England. Believe me, you will not "react".
  16. I love it all. But I'd love it better without the pros. I'm a woman, so I like some human interest stuff, if it focuses on someone who overcomes a lot of obstacles to make it. I enjoy learing how so many from 3rd world countries go through so much to get a chance to compete. But it can get a little too soppy. Who doesn't love the movie "Cool Runnings"
  17. I recently heard that Las Vegas is one of the fastest growing cities in the country. The best Bills bar is the Stake Out. Good luck.
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