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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. So I've now found myself reading threads and for just a second wondering why Paul hasn't posted one of his amazing comments yet....... Damn it Paul. Why did you have to leave us?
  2. Thanks for the reminder. Damn, this morning on the radio it was all about the 666 thing. Interviewing pregnant moms about having their babies today. Not a hint about D-Day. Sometimes we have our priorities a little twisted.
  3. I like the Pave stone idea. Then when we go to the games, we can stop by and say hi to him.
  4. I'm sitting next to thesir again? Eat your heart out Cablelady.
  5. If only he had believed that.....
  6. Now that would get a giggle out of him.
  7. Oh Paul. I'll selfishly miss you; your numerous uplifting messages to me; our hilarious dating stories; your recipes; your words of encouragement and advice; your late night , slightly inebriated ramblings via e-mail; our humerous chats about Australia and New Zealand culture; and so much more. Goodbye my friend...
  8. Going to watch at Buffalo Wild Wings in Addison (Dallas), TX. Surrounded by screaming Dallas Mavericks fans. The only place in town I can get really good wings.
  9. A pool, lots of shrubs with a desert rock garden out in the sun then a shaded, covered "Caribbean" area with tropical plants/flowers, barbecue, ceiling fan, TV and stereo. I'm lucky - I only have to cover my cactus when the temp falls below 35.
  10. My heart can't take much more of this...
  11. Ya lucky dog. Looks like you went at a perfect time of the year. Nice pics.
  12. Very scarey. But victory is so sweet.
  13. You just got married last week and you're already hitting the dating web sites?
  14. Oh darn....it's over? Shucks.... I was just settling down in my PJs and a late night glass of good Aussie Cab to be entertained by some flying crap.
  15. More Cactus & Aloe Vera in my southwestern rock garden.
  16. I've been traveling and my check book is at home. But I'll have my check for four tickets to you before Thursday.
  17. I'll be there.....in spirit. Actually, I'm going out to a Sports Bar so I can at least enjoy it with beer and wings.
  18. Still 2-1 Buffalo. 5 minutes left. It's showing on Yahoo.com
  19. I believe Peerless will surprise a lot of you this season.
  20. Should I step in here? Or would it be safer to stay out of this discussion?
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