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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Don't be sayin' that in WNY - you may be beaten to a bloody pulp.
  2. Agreed - kind of like the poor guy who came out and trimmed all my trees in 104 degree heat. I tipped him extra.
  3. Rule #8 - If she doesn't love the Bills....dump her
  4. Might have been your sitting angle - it may have stroked the prostate. So glad you had a good time.
  5. I'd rather go the full season with Losman so we can finally know where we stand for next season. If it's a bad choice? Then I'll just drink more beer to ease the pain. But I live in Dallas, so I've already become numb to all the negative comments. Another losing season won't hurt me.
  6. Love 'ya sweetie. Sorry you've been going through a tough few days. But it sounds like you're ready to go back to camp now and do some admiring...take pics. See you on the home opener weekend.
  7. I've been to Jamaica before. But I got tired of little kids running past me on the beach kicking sand all over me....or laying by the pool listening to endless versions of "Marco...Polo". I want an Adult resort but not some place that's all couples. Research on the internet says that they are about 50% singles. I really don't think it's as much of a "swingers" report as some would think. And if it is? Well, I can look the other way and enjoy the food and the weather. Well, I've decided that you only live once. I've said yes and am going Labor Day week with two female friends. I'm shall look it as a week long tailgate party without the game. But I will be back on September 9 so I don't miss the opener against the dreaded Pats.
  8. Has anyone on TSW ever vacationed at Hedo II or III in Jamaica? If so, I'd like an objective (and serious) opinion please.
  9. Perhaps she was so sweet and generous all her life because she'd never been married.
  10. In Texas they toss the cow dung. And they even think it's fun.
  11. This brings back bad memories. My son had this as a science project in the 4th grade. And of course I found out about the assignment at around 8pm the night before it was due. Every time I think about this, I want to smash every raw egg in sight.
  12. I'd recommend waiting a while and keeping an eye on it. Is there are redness or swelling around the gums? If not, then the cat is probably not even feeling anything. Obviously, if there is infection present, then you'd need to do something right away. My sister has had a loose molar for 40 years and no problems. I agree that vets (like any other business person) will try to sell additional services. But you also don't want your pet to be in pain. My cat is now 16 years old and in perfect health. But, she's NEVER had "people" food and always eats dry cat food and fresh water daily.
  13. And the lady that reads Penthouse is probably worth much more.
  14. I think George may have been getting the "job". And as we all know here in the US - that's not having sex.
  15. So....how did it go at the Vet?
  16. There are 3 in our room already. But there's always a rollaway!
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