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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Looks awful big for a baby's poop - even at 19 weeks. And why didn't it get smooshed in the diaper. Did they hold the baby over a level surface waiting for it to appear? I think they've both gone off the deep end.
  2. I'm still growing up...and loving it. But I've been alive long enough to see that every era has had it's good and bad points. I liked the 80s best though. The only thing I miss is manners.
  3. Can't do that...Perkins is the tradition for breakfast before the home opener. I'm in.
  4. 9.8. Welcome back! Perkins at 6am on Sept 24th?
  5. Perhaps some of those who carry them could be women. Guess it would come in handy if our guy isn't rising to the occasion. Doesn't a glass of red wine and a good magazine work also?
  6. Happy belated birthday to both of you....
  7. Story 1: Half of America uses pumps? I'm speechless. Have you guys been holding out on us girls?? Story 2: How could she have not seen him when she pulled into her driveway?? Did she turn her headlights off before pulling in? Methinks there is more to this story....
  8. I'll bet Paul would have had a great comment on this thread.
  9. A poster over on the Range said he called and found out that it wouldn't be broadcast until at least Tuesday. Damn - I planned my whole weekend around this.
  10. I was living in So California, a real beach Gidget and Angels fan....hating football....never realizing that one year later my company would be transferring me to some snowed in place called Buffalo, NY. I'm soooooo glad.
  11. I would definitely insist on a complete physical. And don't rule out depression.
  12. Snopes be damned. A lot of this is true. But perhaps not that actual article. Except for the part about not questioning if my dad stayed out late or all night (which he never did).....this was my mother. I never saw her in a bathrobe or not showered and dressed after 8am any day unless she was really sick. She would ALWAYS shower and change clothes about an hour before my dad got home. She even used to feed us kids early and bathe us so that we would be all fresh and rested for our "time with father". We spent quality time with our dad, but we were not permitted to whine or bicker - we could only discuss positive subjects and/or world events. Then we would be banished to our bedrooms around 7:30pm while they had their family dinner. Once a child turned 12 (and became civilized with table manners) they could join the family dinner table. We would all look forward to that day - it was a huge milestone. When I was a struggling mom with 4 kids and having to work full time, I always wished I could have lived my mother's life.
  13. You could move to Dallas to appreciate Austin. It's even hotter up here (And the traffic on this end of 35 is just as bad). At least you have hills!
  14. Exactly. I've been watching this kid for 2 years - he's got a lot of potential to accompany his positive attitude, good heart and team spirit.
  15. I've only seen it in Texas. Isn't it great stuff? But difficult to find.
  16. Does all this mean that our camps aren't tough enough?
  17. I'll stick with mine. It was funny to read Ghost of Bibs comments through it.
  18. Have a good one Harriett.....you're almost old enough to start hitting on the young studs.
  19. A diehard Bills fan amuses himself by scaring every Miami Dolphins fan he sees strutting down the street in their obnoxious Miami tee shirts. He swerves his van as if to hit them, and then swerves back just missing them. One day, while driving along, he saw a priest. He thought he would do a good deed, so he pulled over and asked the priest "Where are you going Father?" "I'm going to give mass at St. Francis Church, about 2 miles down the road," replied the priest. "Climb in Father, I'll give you a lift!" said the man. The priest climbed into the rear passenger seat, and they continued down he road. Suddenly, the driver saw a Miami fan walking down the road, and he instinctively swerved as if to hit him. But, as usual, he swerved back into the road just in time. Even though he was certain that he had missed he guy, he still heard a loud "THUD." Not understanding where the noise came from, he glanced back in his mirrors but still didn't see anything. He then remembered the priest and he turned to the priest and said "Sorry Father, I almost hit that Miami fan." "That's okay," replied the priest, "I got him with the door."
  20. Cablelady and I both have to keep it under 5 beers. Otherwise, we flirt too much.
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