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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. A few have mentioned going to Duffs this Friday night. Which One? Some of us would like to meet up with other wallers.
  2. Rose is. She and some of her group are coming to the opener this weekend (also to the Houston game).
  3. Many of you mention Duffs on Friday night. Which one do you go to?
  4. I wish that just once I could meet someone who survived a real suicde attempt and that they would sit down with me and explain WHY. I know about some really painful times.... I know about trying to go to sleep and praying to die during the night so that I wouldn't have to face the next day. But where do they get the strength to actually do it? For me, this will be one of life's unexplained mysteries. This poor, tortured kid has my prayers.
  5. Arriving Buffalo Thursday evening. Driving to Rochester Friday for a Garbage Plate at Nicks. Friday night Fish Fry early then going to Duffs to see who is there. Saturday shopping Saturday night at Dannys - and maybe something fun after if I can hook up with a group. Sunday 6:15 at Perkins Hammers at 7 Staying in Amherst Thursday and Friday. At Holiday Inn Saturday and Sunday Leaving Monday afternoon
  6. It's not all gone...I saved a bottle to bring to the opener tailgate...
  7. 1. JÂy RÛßeÒ 2. Rockpile of course 3. Inkman 4. Aussie 5. Bruce from Texas 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
  8. I'm bringing a 5lb bag and will hand to you at 7am on Sunday morning.
  9. That's awesome - congratulations to you both. See you Friday at Nicks.
  10. I watched it with three fins fans. They were soooo trash talkin' when the game started. By the 3rd quarter, you could hear a pin drop.
  11. I respect a person who supports their team....win or lose. I'm not going to pick on you. But I do pity you having to go a season with your new OC.
  12. Lots of rain and wind in my area. I lost satellite signal in the 4th quarterbut only for about a minute.
  13. I don't think's we're doing the room again - it didn't seem to work well. We'll mostly be sitting in the "raised area" in the main bar. Look for the name tags.
  14. I'd ask the doctor. All my babies LOVED their bath.
  15. I'll be at Perkins at 6am. Then Hammers at 7. Can someone PM me directions to Nicks from the thruway coming from Buffalo?
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