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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Maybe, if you expanded the purchase reach to a hundred mile radius to include the Canadians.
  2. Due to the popularity of the Survivor shows, Texas is planning to produce "Survivor-Texas Style." Contestants will start in Dallas, then drive to Austin, San Antonio, over to Houston and down to Brownsville. They will then proceed up to Del Rio, El Paso, Midland, Odessa, Lubbock and Amarillo. From there they will go on to Abilene, Fort Worth and finally back to Dallas. Each contestant will be driving a pink Volvo with bumper stickers that read: I'm Gay I Love the Dixie Chicks Boycott Beef I Voted for John Kerry George Strait Sucks Hillary in 2008 And I'm here to confiscate your gun. The first one to make it back to Dallas alive wins
  3. What about moi? Seriously, I have my passport and enough reward points for the airfare. I will SO be there if it's in London. Looks like you may have to take responsibililty for an "away" game Nick! Like we do here...block of tickets and negotiate some cheap rates in a nearby hotel.
  4. I'll bet Nick in England would love the Bills to come to the UK.
  5. Perhaps the Pinto and Kenny embody the spirit of the Bills more? He "shows up" to every game. Always plays his best and never asks for more money.
  6. If only this could have happened in a Super Bowl, my life would be complete. And like normal Cowboy fans, NO ONE is talking about it at work today.
  7. Many Happy Returns John! Glad the sun is out for you today.
  8. It was so awesome sitting in a sports bar with a small table of Buffalo's faithful rooting for Seattle, surrounded by Cowboys fans.
  9. Yes - the bowling ball goes to every game!
  10. It's just not fair! She wears a suit that enhances her physical attributes. Why doesn't he?
  11. He's 57 and dating a 28 year old former beauty queen. Perhaps they fight because they don't have a whole lot in common? So, does this mean I can flirt with all you young studs out there?
  12. Perhaps...but you know about Vegemite. So that puts you in the top percentile of the educated
  13. I just spent my first Christmas/New Year without a significant other. And you know what? I had a really nice time. Watched the Titans game at my house with 14 other Bills fans - and sucessfully prepared Beef on Weck. Spent Christmas at my daughter's house so I didn't have all the stress of a house full of people. It was very nice. Worked the 4 days between the weekends - almost everyone was gone so I got a lot of filing done. I strolled through the mall in the evenings, went to some movies with friends, went on a couple of dates. Cleaned all the leaves out of my pool. Watched the Ravens game at the Bills Bar. Babysat my two precious grandchildren on New years Eve. Vegged out all day New Years Day watching whatever I damn well wanted to on TV - awesome! Now I'm starting back on my "good carbs only" diet.
  14. I have a couple of older items (daughter's weddings, ex husband, parents funeral trips etc) that I have sitting in a chase card at 3.99% for life. Pay more than the minimum but it will be a while. The 3.99 interest stays as long as I'm never, ever late with a payment. Then, I have a couple of "reward" cards that I pay in full every month. I also put work expenses and all my daily purchases on them. Hardly ever use cash or a debit card any more (no points). I use the accumulated points to convert to flights for Bills games. One of those "Bills logo" cards is a reward card.
  15. And don't forget that other advantage the Raph has on the upper deck.....bathrooms!!! That's awesome.
  16. I love that we're playing the Dallas Cowgirls at the Ralph.
  17. Why am I having trouble believing that he's really dead? There should be some "official" video that shows clearly that the hanging actually worked. It's not my morbid curiosity. Just my belief in conspiracy - especially with all his power.
  18. Call me crazy, but I'm feeling so confident about the growth of this team that I'm putting myself in the lottery for 2008 Super Bowl tix next month.
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