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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Why do we need to spend a bunch of dollars on research to prove guys have only thing on their mind. We girls have always known that.
  2. If there is any kind of festival going on - don't miss it. I lived 2 years in Milwaukee and those lakeside festivals have the best food, fireworks, and music you can imagine. Not sure when you're going, but Summerfest starts on June 26. It's the granddaddy of all festivals.
  3. It's been a rough night. Loved the tribute on NBC. RIP Tim - Go Bills
  4. Try giving up dairy products (especially milk) for 90 days and see what happens. This was excellent advice from my Mom.
  5. So sorry for your loss John. I know very well how it feels. Cry all you want.
  6. Well maybe if you got out of that Texas hole you're in and went up for an opener.....you would.
  7. I plan to be at the opener and the TBD tailgate. However, I'll not sit with the group. I'll be looking for a seat closer to the field. I'm so surprised that we get to have our season opener at home again. Will be flying in from the Jamaican vacation again.
  8. No, I wouldn't drive either. If they were playing someone I really wanted to see....I'd fly.
  9. Dioxin Found in Italian Mozzarella Milk By NICOLE WINFIELD, AP Posted: 2008-03-21 11:45:47 ROME (March 21) - Makers of Italy's prized buffalo mozzarella took out full-page ads in Italian newspapers Friday assuring consumers that their cheese was safe after high levels of dioxin were found in some samples of buffalo milk. The tainted products came from a few buffalo dairies in the southern Campania region, whose reputation as a top agricultural producer has already been tarnished by a months-old garbage crisis that has fueled fears of food contamination. Over the past week, Italian authorities have searched dozens of buffalo dairies and seized milk samples for tests after higher-than-permitted levels of dioxin were discovered in products from 29 mozzarella makers, news reports said. Prosecutors in Naples have placed 109 people under investigation in connection with the probe, on suspicion of fraud and food poisoning, the ANSA news agency reported. Local Pats fans maybe???
  10. This is going to be a planning nightmare for me. I get back from Jamaica on September 8 and somehow need to get to the opener in Buffalo on the 9th. I never thought we would have our opening game at home again. Figured our first game would be away. Then I get back from a conference in Arizona on Sunday morning, October 7th and wanted to get to Buffalo for the Cowboys game. Never thought we'd have a Monday night game. Damn Cowboys. Damn, Damn, Damn
  11. My kind of guy. (but I prefer the 42" color TV with satellite)
  12. If you meet Cablelady at the Cat's Meow on Thursday night, you may not recover in time to get to the game the next day.
  13. Is it still today at 1pm EDT? Or has it changed again?? (I don't like this kind of foreplay)
  14. Yes, I remember. I wonder if there's enough interest to block some hotel rooms like I did last time.
  15. Preseason. A Bills game in New Orleans. Oh, the memories. Anyone going?
  16. Jabari Greer is a class act and I've been a big supporter of his since he came to the team.
  17. Wishing you a very happy belated Birthday!!
  18. Those of you with soon-to-be senior sons in high school should sneak in and observe a party sometime where the kids think there are no parents around. What you see some of these sweet wholesome girls doing (to themselves and each other) will make your hair stand on end. I just spent 4 days in the French quarter. There are thousands of under age girls drinking, gyrating and lifting their shirts for a string of .50c beads. So I could easily believe that they'd do it for a camera for their few minutes of fame.
  19. A pic of me with Shamrock?? Oh how yummy! Please let me know if you find it.
  20. Yep - many of us do know him. Love to party with him for "away" games. But beware...he loves to take his friends on"forced marches" when visiting other cities for games.
  21. Been trolling around town in my 2007 bright red Mustang convertible. Gotta put a pic in my Avatar soon to show off a little.
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