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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. I prefer to be under the radar. It's less stressful. Isn't Berman a Bills fan?
  2. I love AFL - but can't ever find it on TV in the US. My mother was buried with all her Sydney Swans gear inside her coffin. She was the oldest "member" of the Swans and half the team actually went to her funeral.
  3. The nearest organized chapter to you is in Akron: Barley House is near the corner South Main St. and E. Exchange St in Akron. Contact: Chris Godios chris_lawoffices@hotmail.com Chapter Size: 52 LA is right. If you go to buffalobills.com and click on the Bills Backers home page, you will find a link to send a message to the Backers coorindator.
  4. Never. It's electrifying in the stadium when the Bills score.
  5. Keep the "too large" jersey for really cold weather when you have to wear 5 layers underneath (perhaps the January playoffs).
  6. What? You left at half time? Are you a Cowgirls fan in disguise? First rule in Fandom...you don't ever leave!
  7. There is a Tailgating Central" section on the board. Go to it and look under the Bills at Arizona section. All your questions will be answered there.
  8. I thought is was for those cold Chicago or Minnesota winters.
  9. Agreed! It's like watching two different teams! It's just way to hard on my heart.
  10. You're all wrong. It's my new Buffalo Bills sneakers. I bought them at the stadium store at the opener and have worn them every game since. 4-0.
  11. I love my team...but get real...have you seen the Cowgirls play this season?
  12. I recently moved from one house to another and tried something that I had never heard of before! PODS. The fee was about $350 for a month. I had them deliver it to my driveway about two weeks before the move. Then I had two weeks to move all my boxes into the pod instead of having them on the floor all over my house. Then, the day before my move I hired three "casual" laborers at $10 per hour each and supervised them taking the furniture apart and placing it into the pod. Cost me $250 for the day. The pod company came on moving day, picked up the pod and moved it to the driveway of the new house. I then hired more casual labor - 2 men who had the heavy furniture moved in in a couple of hours. $60. Some family came over and helped unload the boxes which wasn't bad because I had another 2 weeks to empty the pod and I could unpack each box as I unloaded it. It sure saved a lot of boxes sitting everywhere. Total cost was about $700. But this would only work if you're moving from a house to a house.
  13. And so returns the curse of nationally televised games....we do so much better under the radar!!
  14. This is exactly why I elected to never play FF again!!
  15. If you mean Saturday the 4th....go on over to the Native New Yorker right near the Stadium & Westgate Complex and party with hundreds of visiting Bills fans. They'll be starting there at 4pm.
  16. I'm going to have to work until I'm 103 years old!!!
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