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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Quote of the Week: 'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.' Thomas Jefferson 1802
  2. I'm not a guy...but I've used those things in my car and the suction is very strong. Wouldn't that really hurt????
  3. I like the new layout. But I hope they hurry up with the Bills Bars locations. No one else has a listing like that one and it has been a wonderful tool for people who have to be out of town on game day.
  4. The largest cell in the human body is the female egg and the smallest is the male sperm. It takes the food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your stomach. One human hair can support 3 kg. The average man's p***s is three times the length of his thumb. Human thighbones are stronger than concrete. A woman's heart beats faster than a man's. Women blink twice as often as men. The average person's skin weighs twice as much as the brain. Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still. If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it. Men that read this are probably still busy checking their thumbs
  5. A 50/50 mix of white vinegar and water. Spray on and dry with wadded black and white newspaper
  6. At my Bills bar yesterday - we could see the Cowboys game right next to the big screen that the Bills Game was on. They really did look bad - a lot worse than us against AZ. The best part of this morning was that no-one walked into work with a smile on their face (except me) The worst part is that the next time we play the Boys it will probably be in Jerry's new Taj Mahal - at about $95 for nose bleeds and $50 to park - the greedy bastage just makes me want to puke. Hey BuffaloBill - are you in the DFW Bills Backers? Please PM me for details
  7. We had about 70 Bills fans in our Sports Bar. During the first outage we were getting updates via computers and cell phones so it was kind of cool. Then the bar owner found the radio signal and we got to listen to it. Not one Bills fan left that bar.
  8. I've never been - so I'm really excited about going this year. The hotels next to the stadium are quite pricey. I found a room at a Best Western for $75 about 2 miles from the stadium. Tickets are still available from the Chiefs web site. There will be a Saturday night party I'm sure. The local Bills Backers will probably post something in the Tailgate section of the board.
  9. If you mean the two legged kind - sure. Haven't we all?
  10. Yep - next home opener!!! Great write up once again Lori!! GO BILLS
  11. I say death by firing squad to any Buffalo girl who would have sex with an opposing team player. Never would have happened back during the Glory Years.
  12. Additionally, I'd like a female. I seem to work better with them. I had enough experience dealing with alpha males during my marriage. Some will flame me for this, but I can be too easily dominated and have trouble training males.
  13. As an animal lover, I'm very concerned about having an animal in an unsuitable environment for its breed. I appreciate the suggestion, but I don't feel that Huskies belong in the Texas heat.
  14. Thanks for forwarding that Matt. It did indeed bring back memories.
  15. Well, ya' gotta' admit...it was entertaining. GUFF: Sorry, but I didn't remember your dogs. I must have been focused on seeing the beach, the party and the Bills game.
  16. WOW - WOW - WOW. Thanks for the education to all. I was hoping to hear from someone who may be personally involved. I'm getting ready to "meet" two dogs, both females, one is a called a pit/bull/boxer cross and the other is called a Pit Bull Terrier burebred. Neither has their ears clipped. Both dogs are approx. 2 years old and were raised in families with other dogs and children and for some strange reason, both were abandoned when the owners moved. One was left with two puppies and roamed the neighborhood for a few weeks with her pups looking for food before someone picked her up and took her to the pound. They were "rescued" from the pound and have been fully evaluated for behavour by the rescue group. The rescue group believes that since there are no scars on either dog; the ears are still natural, and they show no signs of agression toward other dogs, that they were always family pets. At this time, both dogs are in different foster homes. I have talked to both foster moms and the dogs continue to prove themselves as very gentle and friendly. Since I don't have young children around..I'm looking for a dog that is not emotionally high maintenance, one that is affectionate but independent...one that will not go crazy when I'm gone for a few days and can enjoy the outside equally. I don't want to keep a dog cooped up in a crate while I'm at work and would prefer to let them run in the backyard and chase the bloody squirrels away. Is there anyone out there who actually has a Pit?
  17. If they would quit changing it around all the time Where was it this week? I didn't come across it.
  18. Does that work with boyfriends as well?
  19. I've recently moved and since I now have a very large, fenced yard, I'd like to get a dog again. I'm comitted to getting a rescue dog and I've been hearing a lot a great things about Pit Bulls. I'd like some opinions from any who have had experience with them.
  20. Well...bloody hell. My brother played a dirty trick on me. Sent me the message and told me that this speech was actually given. Being an Aussie, I could believe that it would be true - people over there tend to tell it like it is and can be very un PC. Toorak Poodle Rooters - It's been a zillion years since I lived in Melbourne, but I think that Toorak was an up-scale suburb Poodle you'd know and Root is another word for *&^%
  21. So women have to choose between having breast or throat cancer? Now there's a great choice. Sounds almost like a Presidential election.
  22. The following is a speech given right before the "Grand Final" which the Aussie Super Bowl for Australian Rules Football. I know much of the language will be tough to figure out, but you'll get the gist of it. This is exactly how I felt when I went to the super bowl in Atlanta (Bills vs. Drugboys), and saw the thousands of every-day fans who couldn't get a reasonably priced ticket to attend. I wonder how anyone would get away with a speech like this over here! My fellow Australians, I’ve been invited here to talk to Centre Square, in these big marquees on Punt Road Oval. And speaking of Punt Road Oval, let me tell you something for nothing - Jack Dyer would be spinning in his grave if he could see the place right now. Full of a bunch of Collins Street corporate criminals, Chapel Street designer cats and Toorak poodle rooters who have about as much interest in football as Paris Hilton has an interest in astrophysics. Captain Blood didn’t break every bone in his body and commit multiple acts of on-field heroism and homicide so he could see his beloved home ground turned into an over-priced pre-match party for chardonnay-swilling spivs and their assorted hangers-on attending their one footy match of the year, whilst tens of thousands of hard-working honest battlers who love the game and love their team are denied the chance to attend the greatest game in the world. I’ve had a gutful. Whilst this bunch of Armani-wearing, Audi-driving, Prada-carrying try-hards monopolise priceless vantage points in the MCG, millions of genuine footy fans who have followed their team through thick and thin have to make do by watching the game at home or down at the local pub, whilst the Melbourne spivocracy get to sit on their fat posteriors in a marquee and wouldn’t even know the way to the MCG without a tour guide. Since most of you haven’t attended a single match this year and know nothing about football, let me give you a few tips – Geelong wears blue, Hawthorn wears brown, and in case you were wondering, there’ll be no fashions on the field at half-time, and no, the Lexus Centre across the road is not a prestige car dealership. Centre Square is not only unfair. Centre Square is not only inequitable. Centre Square is downright un-Australian! And so are all of you! In fact, I bet you’re all so un-Australian that you all hate the Anzacs, you booed Cathy Freeman, and you want to cull cute cuddly koalas because one of them once jumped out in front of your Range Rover on the way to Mount Hotham. But it’s not just you who are at fault. I also blame the AFL – those out-of-touch, opera-loving elitists at AFL headquarters who are responsible for this unconscionable abomination need to take a good hard look in the mirror. That is if they can handle the sight of moral and spiritual bankruptcy staring back at them. I also blame the government. Our new Prime Minister has clearly failed his first test of leadership if he thinks it’s acceptable to allow an event like this to go ahead without a pre-emptive strike by the SAS. The PM is doing nothing to ease the squeeze on working families on the bottom rung of the ladder of opportunity who just want to see their team in the Granny. But he’d better get his act together and do something about it, or millions of angry footy fans will do it for him. Revolutions have been started and governments have been overthrown for lesser outrages than this. And people ask why we need capital punishment. So cut off your silver tails, tear up your fur coats and get fair dinkum. Our great Australian game is the greatest game in the world – the game of the people. Not some once-a-year marquee piss-up for an overpaid, over-dressed pack of passionless corporate cretins who only turn up for the free chardonnay and then spend the actual game looking about as interested and excited as a line of Easter Island statues. So don’t bother coming across to the MCG this afternoon, because you’re not welcome. The next train out of Melbourne leaves Richmond station in 10 minutes – so make sure you’re on it. Or, better still, under it. So don’t be un-Australian - everyone here in Centre Square can get stuffed! You know it makes sense. I’m Sam Kekovich.
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