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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Wow - what a wonderful birthday present. Congratulations to all of you!
  2. It must be true. I filled up my rental car in KC last night at $1.47a gallon.
  3. So many KC fans who had purchased tix when they went on sale (plus season ticket holders) were starting to stay away because the team has been playing so badly. Some of us that planned ahead and purchased our tix last month, saw tix in the same area selling this week on stub hub for pennies on the dollar. The best thing was that we started out on the 3rd level and by the last quarter we had moved all the way down to the 3rd row right behind the Bills Bench. It was awesome to be so close. The fans in each of the sections we moved to were quite gracious. Except for a loud mouth woman who kept saying in a loud voice "God, how embarrassing to lose to the Bills - the Bills for God's sake" I loved it.
  4. I had a Don Bebe flashback when I saw that play. We also wondered about that "fumble". They didn't show that on a replay in the stadium. Did they show it on TV?
  5. Nope - doesn't count. Gettin some in St. Louis is easy.....
  6. Pinto Kenny tailgate will be at Cash Lot L - Gate 3 - Royal Way off Blue Ridge Extension.
  7. Real KC barbecue at the original Arthur Bryants, lots of beer, lots of bowling ball shots at the tailgate, very little sleep, and hopefully enough points to come back with a W. (had to get up into the attic for my cold weather Bills jacket)
  8. I'm old....and I've been told I smell pretty good.
  9. I expected to go to the SB and win. But I expect that every year. It's # 4 on my Bucket List. Just always keep hoping that before I die, I will get to experience a SB celebration in the city of Buffalo.
  10. Then you'll need to party twice as hard to make up for her absence. And don't be surprised if lots of people start asking about party plans for the Denver game. The Bills Fan road worriers like to plan ahead.
  11. So you should have a whole new respect for Beerball and I living amongst them. It sounds like your dad might be a good fit in an Anglican congregation.
  12. Must be time for another of those pet peeves threads....this is #1 on my list.
  13. Is Annemarie from the Denver Bills Backers coming down for the game?
  14. I think it was the night he injured his finger. Stopped to help a couple after his game. Too bad he plays for the dreaded Jerry Jones.
  15. We're definitely not qualified to make a diagnosis, but IMHO we are more than qualified to comment as concerned fans on a message board.
  16. That sucks! But at least he didn't have to see his children being buried. They will know how much their Dad loved them.
  17. I'm there. Always wanted to see inside Arrowhead Stadium. I'm "Aussie Diane". The pre-game party at the Holiday Inn will probably be the biggest attendance.
  18. I almost said yes because, selfishly, I could get to so many more games if they were in San Antonio. But then I remembered the fan base from when the Bills played down there. It's just not a football city. And I also realized how much I enjoy coming back to the region at least once a year. I'd prefer Toronto if they really had to move. But the game experience in the region has become equally important to me as winning a SB
  19. I was at the comeback game. I always believe we can do it.
  20. I said something similar a while back. I just can't believe that he is fully recovered from his concussion.
  21. Wasn't that the same month as something green? Was it a couch? Damn, I'm losing my memory of useless information.
  22. Well, I'm over 50 and the Bills can still pull me to them every game they play. I also get to every home opener and try to make at least 2-3 other live games every season. And every year when I walk into the Ralph - the tears are there along with the memories of so many great games and times with my friends and family. Win or lose - I wouldn't trade that euphoric feeling for anything. Perhaps it's a sick obsession - I don't know. But I do know that looking forward to each season with hope is right up there with praying for my family. I'm so glad for you that you got to experience the electricity and emotion of actually being there.
  23. Seeing the quick shot of Jimbo's face after the "wide right" kick last night was some painful Deja Vu.
  24. What else did he say. Did he say he had to fix some things before next week?
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