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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. That would be my list as well. But I'd have to add one more necessity...The Home Opener.
  2. Exactly how I put my cat down last year. It felt like a real relief along with the sadness. It's such a dignified way to go - I wish people could do that. Please don't feel guilt for the burden - perhaps that's your brain's way of telling you it's time.
  3. Just go to one of the topless beaches Dibs. What the hell, it's summer...although that is quite warm for Melbourne. Going to visit my bro in Altona Green at the end of May. Hoping to see an Aussie Rules game at the MCG.
  4. You'd better hope not. No Buffalo fans could afford the ticket prices in Jerry's Taj Mahal.
  5. I also heard this morning that the pilot, in addition to his jet fighter training, was also a skilled "glider" pilot. I think those passengers were damn lucky that this guy was at the wheel.
  6. I prefer male companions....I just watch football. If they're smart enough to know when to talk and when not to, then they might get another date.
  7. So sorry Pooj. But I'm sure with your good record, things will work out for you.
  8. Our prayers are answered Rock. Wonderful news!
  9. It was your reference to "quarters" rather than "periods" that he was laughing at. I heard the Stars fans behind me say the same thing last night. We're still in football mode. It was so great to pull out a win last night against the home town crowd. When it got to the "shoot out" I was so darned scared it would end up like the "no goal" game and we would be broken hearted in the end. But we left proud and smiling. Missed you with the Bills Backers group BuffaloBill. I guess you really upgraded if you were sitting right behind the Sabres. We could hear a lot of "Let's go Buffalo" chanting from all over. It felt great. Those of us who live so far away miss that...
  10. I'm rooting for McNabb. IMHO he's paid his dues. Not the city, not the fans, just McNabb.
  11. See you tonight at the Sabres game. Actually is was my son Matt who gave me this info. I was talking to him on the phone and told him about Michael's experience at that intersection. I said, "I wonder what he was doing over there - it's kind of out of his way from where he lives and I can't imagine he has friends there". My son simply said "He was probably over there to pick up his coke." Nothing surprises me any more.
  12. Don't forget that Club Med now has a bunch of family resorts and they are all inclusive.
  13. Talk to anyone over 50 who has faced this same decision. Most of them will admit they took a big cut in pay to find another decent job. I think if you're close to your previous salary...you should jump all over it.
  14. Funny that no one has mentioned that the area around Marsh and George Bush Turnpike is one of "the" most popular places in North Dallas to pick up the white powder.
  15. Since the Labor Day holiday will be on Monday, September 7 this year, does anyone know if the season will open on September 6? Or will it be the week after on September 13th? Yes - I'm already trying to plan for my vacation/Bills game trips.
  16. I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your friend at such a young age. Genetics aside, this can happen often when people put more emphasis on the body exterior rather than their insides. It does no good to work out like a fiend, have a great body, but live on nutritionaly deficient foods and processed garbage. Compare your body to a car...you need gasoline, clean oil, clean transmission fluid, brake fluid, radiator fluids etc. If you don't feed your car correctly and just spend your time polishing the exterior...how long do you think it will run? Please, please, eat your darned fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, grains etc. every day and quit depending on a daily vitamin and fast food meals. Sorry for the rant
  17. Thank you Football Gods. And shame on me for missing it. Us girls just love REVENGE!
  18. I'm surprised no one has mentioned the terrible bottleneck it would be to get across the Grand Island bridges for a game.
  19. Thank you for recognizing that mature can be sexy!!
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