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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. I dare anyone to watch the clip and make it through without shedding a tear. What a voice. I can't wait to see what she looks like after a stylist gives her a make over. If they can get around the hair, eyebrows and her lack of fashion sense, she may be the next Broadway sensation.
  2. 7-9, 7-9, 7-9 Kinda' has a ring to it.
  3. Looks like Carolina for the best "away" game for traveling fans. I'm on it.
  4. OK - sorry - I've been traveling. NZ is the prettier country. But the Aussie women are far superior.
  5. You might think about the fact that unusual colors tend to go out of style. The black sink might be a negative if you decide to sell your house later.
  6. Haven't seen any NZ ads. But the air fares they were promoting last month are the cheapest I've seen in over 20 years.
  7. I don't think he's been to Fr. Worth either. Definitely not a hell hole.
  8. I think I'll lay out by the pool and listen to it on the radio.
  9. Ya got me!! But I'm blonde so I have an excuse
  10. I go to a different resort along 7 mile beach (Negril). But have now gone 3 years in a row and just LOVE it. I usually only go into town for some souvineer shopping and always negotiate with the taxi driver in advance. If your resort has a catamaran trip to Ricks I can highly recommend it. Especially a sunset cruise - the water down there is beautiful.
  11. I just cant imagine laying out by the pool with a Vodka and reading from a lap top! Ugh. I think books are here for a long time.
  12. I'm not buying any more jerseys to hang forever in my closet. Just going to stick to Bills shirts from now on.
  13. Don't worry Blue...I like you - even if stuck doesn't.
  14. It may have derived from should've. Most people dont even realize they're saying it incorrectly
  15. Yes you can get a passport. I'd recommend you do it quickly if you're trying to go to Jamaica in May. But you will also need to carry a letter from your PO to give you permission to go (just in case).
  16. She probably had a lover. Which in his mind would allow him to kill her. Interesting culture.....
  17. Damn...these tragedies are so much more intense when they involve an area you're familiar with. I'm at work now and can't get any news coverage. I heard that the plane actually exploded before it landed. Any more details yet?
  18. Stay safe you guys. My heart is there with you all. Nothing moves faster than flames through gum trees in hot wind.
  19. Exactly - sitting there you could actually "feel" the confidence rise up like a puff of smoke. And Thurman didn't help going up and down the line apologizing. He acted like an idiot and I don't think even Marv knew how to get the team's momentum back. Very sad.
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