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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. BUBBA HAS A QUESTION Down south, Bubba called his attorney and asked, 'Is It true theys suin them cigarette companies fer causin people to git cancer?' 'Yes, Bubba, sure is true,' responded the lawyer. 'And now someone is suin them fast food restaurants fer makin them fat an cloggin their arteries with all them burgers an fries, is that true, Mista Lawyer?' 'Sure is, Bubba.' 'And that lady sued McDonalds for millions when she was gave that hot coffee that she ordered?' 'Yep.' 'And that football player sued that university when he graduaided and still couldn't read?' 'That's right,' said the lawyer. 'But why are you asking?' 'Well, I was thinkin... What I want to know is, kin I sue Budweiser fer all them ugly women I slept with?'
  2. My niece goes to that Uni. So you just keep your grubby hands off her! You will not need to ask what to do. You'll realize as soon as you get there that Melbourne is an amazing city with lots to do. Be sure to catch an Aussie Rules football game before the season finishes.
  3. I have a Sydney Swans jersey that my mom left me when she died. I wore it during my last trip to Oz for a Swans Aussie Rule game.
  4. Instead of focusing on your insecurity...you might try to focus on hers. Obviously if she's needing this much attention outside - then she may be dealing with insecurities herself. Why not just have a heart to heart talk with her. Tell her how your feeling about the whole situation but not in a threatening or confrontational way. It's called "communication". Something you will need to do if this relationship is going to go forward. If you don't feel up to communicating what's going on inside you - then you don't trust her and it's probably time to move on and find someone who is more compatible. Just my .02
  5. Thanks Lori. Once again, a voice of reason among this madding crowd. See you in 7 weeks
  6. Got game tix, flights, rental car. Just need a case of blue light. Bringing my shadow (son) Matt.
  7. Now that's funny!!! But on a serious note. Could they really suspend Bruce from his induction? After we put out all this $$ to get there??
  8. Thanks for the suggestions. I can't camp - flying in from Dallas. I'm trying to split a room with others to save costs. My son and I can share a bed and most rooms have 2 beds. There are still rooms available in Akron but I was just hoping......we're staying Sat night and Sun night.
  9. Yep I just re-read the post...and you never know with this group - LOLOL
  10. I'm hounded by the promise I made to myself in 1992. If Bruce ever made it to the HOF I would walk, hitchhike or whatever to see him inducted. It's on my bucket list and at my age, that shouldn't be ignored. I've spent all my $$ on my recent trip to Australia and trying to find the cheapest way to make this happen. I've been fortunate to pick up tix for the induction & the game. Now the worst part - hotel rooms. Does ANYONE have a room with an extra bed they'd be willing to share for Sat & Sun? My son Matt will come with me but we can share a bed. Or I can bring an inflatable mattress. Anyone?
  11. I'll be cremated in my Bills gear. No matter where I live.
  12. I doubt that...he said his boss is a Cowboys fan.
  13. Greetings to all from "The Wonder Down Under". I had forgotten how beautiful the Sydney area is at this time of year. Also learning the rules of Rugby. Amazingly fast game.
  14. 1st stop in Sydney to visit family. Will see a rugby game there and do the infamous "bridge climb" (hope I survive it) and partake of that wonderful South Pacific sea food. Then to the Hunter Valley to visit my sister who just finished building a log house in the woods complete with a "bush camp" and an outdoor shower!. Will also visit a nephew who is a Vintner and manages a vineyard in that area (eat your heart out Mead) Then back to Sydney for an Aussie Rules game and visits with various cousins and Mom and Dad's ashes. Then down to Canberra (Australia's capital city - never been there) to visit another two nephews who are Chiropractors. then to Wagga Wagga to spend a few days on my older brother's Black Angus stud ranch. Then to Melbourne to visit with my younger brother and another Aussie Rules game and some sight seeing. returning from Melbourne on 31st to LAX then DFW. It's a very busy schedule but I haven't been back in 6 years and the family has grown quickly with lots of new munchkins to meet! And EZC - my dad used to take me fishing when we would spend some summer holidays at Byron Bay - great memories.
  15. That's OK sweetie - one can never have too many Tim Tams. You can bring them to the opener if you haven't eaten them by then.
  16. Going "home" to visit all the family who are scattered up and down the east coast. Leaving on Friday and will be back on 31st. Sorry, but if you've ever been to Australia, you'll understand why I won't miss you guys at all. Also, going to a Rugby game and two Aussie Rules games - YEAH!! I'll be wearing my Bills colors though.
  17. Thanks so much for that touch of humor within this sad thread. I'm sure Paul got a chuckle as well.
  18. Hope you have found your peace and your wife these past three years....we miss you.
  19. I have no problem with the Ralph as stadiums go. I especially like the bathrooms at the top of the third level so you don't have to go all the way down to the mid level. And you sure can't complain about the prices...one of the best in the league.
  20. I'm still looking for two game tix. I've made my flight plans and have car and a place to stay. But please don't make me come all the way up there to watch the game in Hammer's living room.
  21. Wow - good to know I have famous friends. It looked a good crowd out there (and great weather).
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