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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. I waited too long. The special fare was gone in about 20 minutes. Now back up to around $600. Thanks for the PMs. I'll watch the game here in Dallas. Mods - please close this thread.
  2. Okay - I know this doesn't belong in this section but I need an answer back right away. Have a chance to get up to BUF for the Miami game with a $236 airfare from DFW if I ticket in the next hour. Have a place to stay and can borrow a car. But I need a ticket. Can't sit in the nose bleeds - my Texas blood cant take the cold and my old eyes can't see the numbers - LOL. Can anyone help with an unused ticket or at least face value?
  3. I love CFL. Just can't watch any of the games down here in Dallas. Except the Gray Cup. I hope someone picks up The Hammer - still feel he's an untapped talent with the long ball.
  4. It would change if we were winning some games
  5. I root for other teams on a game by game basis. Whoever is playing against the Cowgirls, the Dolfags, the Cheatriots and the Jests.
  6. He is a total A$$. His lack of sportsmanship and class at the coaches handshake always disgusts me - and this time was no different.
  7. Watching the last 2 minutes of that game brought back memories of the Bills glory years. So I sat through a bad Pop Warner game yesterday - then had my little bit of joy at watching the Cowgirls lose and a good football fix by watching the Cheatriots get beaten by an incredible offense. I miss my beloved Bills being able to play 60 minutes of decent football.
  8. And the opportunity for families to be able to afford to go out to a pro game occasionally. Especially in the high ticket areas like here in Dallas. I would definitely support a UFL team in this area - as long as Jerry Jones didn't have his fingers in it.
  9. Red, white and blue? Does that also happen to be the Western Bulldogs' colors? :thumbsup Congratulations!
  10. It was a beautiful day down here as well......only spoiled a little by the Cowgirls win.....
  11. So....does everyone let child molesters live quietly in their neighborhoods after they "have done their time"? Just "doing the time" doesn't necessarily change one's character and belief that what they did wasn't really wrong. And most experts agree that these people can't be healed. MV isn't remorseful because he now believes what he did was morally and ethically wrong. He is remorseful because that's what he needs to do to get back into football. He didn't simply "make a mistake" and then pay for it - this is part of his upbringing, his early environment and his personality. Yes - It is all about the money. Sadly, character and sportsmanship are quickly becoming a distant memory. I don't want him in a Bills Uniform.
  12. I'd be taking a serious look at the parents as well. The baby is 5 months old and weighs 11 pounds? Isn't that kind of small? They went to bed at 3am, found her missing around 9am and didn't report it until 11am? The news reports seem sketchy to me.
  13. That was most likely Rugby rather than Aussie Rules. I always used to wonder what they did in those scrums. Thanks for enlightening me Jay....
  14. Hopefully he can surf just as well at South Beach in Miami.
  15. Maybe he meant that he would build a domed stadium and bring a Super Bowl to Buffalo. Doesn't mean the Bills will play that game.
  16. Kinda fun watching decent football. I miss Jabari.
  17. Great post Rich...and your opinion is far from meaningless. But one question from those that were actually at the game...does it look like TO is really trying to catch some of those throws?
  18. You've been a member of TBD for 6 years and this is your first post? Welcome!!
  19. You're getting married and going on a honeymoon during football season???
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