I grew up in Australia and was very passionate about a football game called "Aussie Rules" - a very fast moving game with 18 players for 60 minutes and where the ball moves down the field by being kicked on the run, caught, kicked on the run etc., then kicked through posts for the points. After moving to California I was turned off by this US game of gridiron where men wore padding and kept changing players for offense and defense. I thought they were all a bunch of pussies and thought the game was very slow.
I lived near Anaheim and quickly became a baseball fan following the Angels for years through all their low times. A job transfer took me to Grand Island, NY in 1987. As a young single mom, many in the community would invite me over to their homes on Sunday afternoons. I went for the great wings and hot dogs, rather than the football. I gradually got caught up in the fever of the early Jim Kelly days and by the time the Giants SB came about, I was a fan. The following year, I had season tickets and was a dedicated fan until my company closed in 1994 and I had to move out of state to take another job.
Through three different states, various sports bars, and now DirecTV, I've kept my dedication to the Bills alive.