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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Nick - have you seen every game? Except for the penalties I see him as a valuable, contributing player.
  2. I picked 9-7 back in the Spring. That's my number and I'm stickin' to it.
  3. Did this article miss-spell Foxboro, MA? Is the article real?
  4. OMG - that was too funny. Thanks for the giggles.
  5. I'll be glad when this is over. I need some SLEEP!! Go Sox.
  6. Good organizing Simon.
  7. Congrats SOX - but I really don't think God had anything to do with it. what is that weird song in the background in the stadium?
  8. Bottom of the 9th. Hold em' SOX
  9. I saw BluFin's name over there. Has he left our board forever??
  10. Did anyone watch CSI Miami last night? (while waiting for something to happen to the Sox game). These girls in Miami had implants to use like a credit card when they were in a club. It scanned them on entry and then scanned each drink they ordered
  11. Ha - you caught me snoozin' on that one Rock.
  12. I'd like an implant that would tell me when I've reached 1200 calories for the day.
  13. Steve: You know I'm not a paranoid person. I've dont some e-baying myself. But I have seen some of my son's friends rip people off. I passed on that info to a fellow bills fan as a warning. Not all buyers understand the rating system and they trust everyone.
  14. He's right. Are you sending the money order direct to the seller? Or to paypall? I wouldn't recommend sending anything to the seller. My son had some friends who ripped a lot of people that way. Pay to the Order of: (who you're sending it to) Purchaser: (you) Address: (your address)
  15. You think we could still buy a game ticket?
  16. Quite whining you guys. It's the championships series. You can sleep when you're dead. Go Sox.
  17. It was great to see so many Cowboys fans sneak back into their hole.
  18. Just north of Dallas in Carrollton. About 20 minutes from Arlington. I love to meet up with fellow fans. I just watched the Pats game 2 weeks ago at a sports bar with the President of the Portland Bills Backer. So be sure to let me know when you guys are visiting.
  19. "Damn woman, you have incredible lips - would you give me your phone number?"
  20. I'd like to hear 50k Bills fans singing Happy Birthday in the Ralph.
  21. I'm trying to decide which has the most class....the graceful loser, or the graceful winner.
  22. Had a great time last night during "Girls Night Out" I met this cute guy and we hit it off really well. He was excited to hear of my interest in football because it bugs him that so many women in Dallas aren't into pro football. So I tell him about my "favorite" team and he goes wacko on me and tells me he was born and raised in Houston and how the whole city was devistated by the comeback game. Some of the stories he told me about the reaction of the local fans were amazing. When I told him I was actually at the game, he could hardly believe it, then he said that the Music City miracle was our payback for the missed penalties during the comeback game. It was so NICE to meet a guy who wasn't a fairweather Cowboys fan. And yes LA, I did kiss him in the parking lot and he DID ask for my number.
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