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Posts posted by aussiew

  1. Latest update from Mrs. Beerball:


    Thursday, February 4, 2010 12:47 PM, CST


    I didn't find Matrix guy, but the attending physician told me that there was absolutely nothing to worry about. I grilled him and he had no idea what autoimmune response she could've been talking about. Gah....all the nurses have been great up to this point. I really think she could've kept her bad information to herself.


    We saw the ear, nose, and throat doctor this morning. Doctor Lee says based on what he sees, no surgery will be necessary. Tubes, maybe. Steroids to treat meningitis-related nerve damage, maybe. Hearing aid, probably. Huh, now he won't have any reason to claim he didn't hear me.


    There is a *rumor* that he might go home this weekend with the IV still in for antibiotics and home nursing care to help manage it.


    Philip will be home this weekend with the lovely Megan and little Jasper kitty. Yeah!


    Took lunch to the girls at school this afternoon. Thanks to Christie and my MRE/MRI teacher buddies for the moolah and the gift cards. Jason's Deli tasted great.



    *His mouth is still sore and eating is tough

    *I checked the mail for the first time in a few days and there were like 30 cards! Thank you all so much.

    *He showered and shaved yesterday so he's lookin' good. Wahwahwah as Chachi would say.

  2. Here is the latest update from Mrs. Beerball on the Caring Bridge website: Prayers are still necessary since he has to have this second surgery. But if it cures his snoring - that's great!!!


    Tuesday, February 2, 2010 12:23 PM, CST


    Afternoon update:


    *He's going to need surgery on his sinuses (mastoid bones) to remove infection in there. Although I hate the idea of tubes and anesthesia again, it's critical to get all the infection out or this could come back. On the bright side, maybe this means his snoring will be cured :w00t:


    *He has thrush on the roof of his mouth so he's getting antibiotics for that along with cepacol lozenges.


    * He pinched my butt when I turned to get him a tissue. Rande, I am keeping WAY too close an eye on him. Haha.


    You know I'm "half fun and full earnest" as the Irish say in regard to the snoring. If you or someone you love has extreme snoring and or chronic sinus trouble, you need to get it checked out.

  3. This thread has shined an even brighter light on the Beerball family as they have coped with a health emergency that would have left a lesser family decimated. They "circled the wagons" around Beerball- with abundant love, strength and humor in such amounts that I have to tell you Beerball- you are one of the most fortunate men I know


    Awesome!!! :wallbash:

  4. Beerball - I can't wait until you read this thread and see how many people miss you.


    So glad to read Roberta's updates and know that you're making progress. This is a real "come from behind" win. Something every good Bills fan knows about....

  5. I just talked to Roberta (Mrs. Beerball). Our John is indeed very ill. He is in intensive care and is not conscious at this time. it's touch and go and Mrs. Beerball is very scared.


    She doesn't need anything at this time except the strongest prayers you can possibly send.

  6. Even though I was rooting for the Vikes to win - I kept my soft spot for Jabari Greer. Every since meeting him in his first Bills training camp, I have said on this board that he would become a memorable player. He played hard for the Bills, had a great character, was respected by his team mates, stayed out of trouble and didn't care about being a "star" - a true workhorse. And we reward him by letting him go when he became a FA.


    But we did him a favor - he's going to the big game.


    Way to go Jabari - I wish you the best!!!

  7. First off, let me just say that I believe in the legal system. I believe that if you do a crime, you have a punishment, and once that has been fulfilled, you deserve to be let back into society.


    However, there is nothing saying that you become a morlally re-habilitated person. In fact, I'm sure most people don't commit the crime again soley for the reason of not going back to jail. It doesn't mean that they wouldn't do it again if they couldn't get caught. And most people, do end up back in jail.


    Also, addressing the mentality that other NFL players have done worse things and gotten away with it or there is more dog-fighting occuring in the world than we could like to admit, does that make it right? No, just cause someone bucks the trend doesn't make it okay. If I beat my wife 5 times this week and you only do it 3 times, are you a better person than me? No, we are both @ssholes.


    With that being said, I don't care if Vick was the potential greatly greatest QB on earth and guaranteed us a Superbowl, I don't want that absolute piece of **** on our team. The man drowned dogs. He shot them. He electrified them. He set them up to kill each other. That is a sick, SICK human being. That is not okay. And we aren't talking once. We are talking a graveyard full of dogs. You don't just rehab that out of your mind. And all the people in the world who also do it, they are evil human beings also.


    So no, I don't want Vick. I don't want the murdering Ray Lewis. I don't want the father of 11 Travis Henry. Just cause they did their time or beat the system, doesn't mean they are good people or I have to like them.


    You put Vick on this team. I'm done. I mean it, DONE. I can take anything else. I could even puke my way through having Tom Brady on the team. And believe me, that would be painful. But you put someone like Vick on this team, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the whole franchise.


    Good Post. Seems as if many people on this board might want to take some time to read the Vick court transcripts. If it doesn't turn your stomach and totally disgust you, I'd be very surprised.


    Also, find some replays of a show called Dog Town...a humane, no kill shelter in Utah that accepted about 18 of the worst "Vick" dogs and showed the challenges of trying to bring these trained killers back to being pets. Very sad.


    This is indeed a cultural issue - but my loyalty to the Bills has always been based on Marv's philosophy of hiring players of character. I'd rather go 2-14 with a team of good, honest, law-abiding men than win a SB with a bunch of wife beating, child beating, baby making, dog killing cons. Just my opinion.

  8. Nothing will ever sway me from being a Bills fan...NOTHING.



    I watched the History of the Buffalo Bills on DVD for the first time the other night, and I'm damn proud to be a Bills fan...win, lose, or draw.


    I didn't necessarily want Chan Gailey either, but now that he is the coach I want him to succeed more than anything...


    GO BILLS!!!!!


    I think I love you!

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