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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Who's Ken?
  2. I was once again impressed with the Cards fans. Nothing thrown onto the field. And most stayed for the celebration and awards. Class act.
  3. A younger man.
  4. After further research, I've found that the accessory module is not a "plug and go" part. It contains a microprossesser which has to be programmed with special tooling from Ford. Not something that an independent mechanic could do. My main reason for posting on here was to find out if anyone out there had heard of this problem before. I'm concerned because I haven't come across any mention of this problem in any Ford message boards, service bulletins etc.
  5. Yes - she may be a daughter of a Bills fan. Remember the rules.
  6. Which ones?
  7. Maybe he's waiting for a little flick of the whip?
  8. ???
  9. Hey Bill from NYC - that's not the "sack" I was referring to.
  10. He lacks passion. I wonder what he's like in the sack?
  11. WHY? The Eagles are winning.
  12. LOL - thanks for the warning. But he's not little (6'1" - 225) and not a virgin. Actually, he's the one who is always called on to "back" his friends.
  13. Heartfelt congrats to all Sox fans. I'm not a sox fan but I picked them before the playoffs because I wanted a team to root for to make it more interesting. Hopefully, our grandchildren will be drinking to us when the Bills finally win a super bowl?
  14. That would be like heaven on earth. Keep us posted on that Lori. I'd even fly up for that!
  15. I've had both dogs and cats and respect the differences between them. But I've got to admit, after being a parent for so many years I prefer a cat. If I'm having a good time at happy hour, I don't have to run home to let the dog out. And if I want to run away for a weekend, I just leave extra food & water and don't have the expense of dog sitters. Having a dog is like having little children.
  16. Sorry you've had such bad luck Flomoe. Mine has been the opposite up till now. I 've had Fords for 20 years now and no serious problems.
  17. Thank you. As a parent, we should always try and support what our kids do, even when we cross our fingers behind our backs. I'm honest with him. He knows how I feel about this particular war but he also knows how proud I am. He also know I'm super sensitive about it because of losing a loved one in VietNam (a war I supported). It helps to have a place to talk about it. Thank you everyone for your insight, comments and encouragement. I'll post an update when he goes off to bootcamp.
  18. A few weeks ago my rear passenger doors and rear cargo door wouldn't unlock or open (even from the inside) - almost like they are jammed. The front doors will open and close, but must be locked and unlocked manually. The remote thingy will unlock the front driver's door, but won't lock it. So, I take it into a Ford dealer. They spent all day trying to diagnose the problem and the service advisor says he has never seen anything like this. So, at 4pm, he calls and says they had to trace through the electrical circuit and found that my assessory module had a short in it. They didn't know what caused the short, but they would have to replace the module ($380 for P & L) before they could trace the circuit any further. So I say, if I authorize this repair, you replace the module and you keep going with this "tracing the circuit", you could then find something else?? "Yes", he says, "but we don't know what has caused the module to short out". So, I picked up the car because I was uncomfortable with the answers I was getting - they didn't seem logical to me and I was afraid that after they put in the module, they would find something even more serious. They charged me $80 for the diagnosis. So, now I'm thinking of going to another Ford Dealer for a 2nd opinion. But I could end up spending the same amount getting "opinions" as the initial repair would have cost. It's getting to be a real hassle, not being able to open the back doors or the rear cargo door, and I'm stumped. Has anyone ever heard of this problem?
  19. What a great idea for those of us who fly in for a game!
  20. kitty prozac? Is that anything like wine in the box?
  21. And the other shouldn't.
  22. I guess all that fasting resulted in very low blood sugar.
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