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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Rock: My letter was quite different from the one shown on this site.
  2. Thanks Steve. Now I remember reading something about using my real name. But I'm now realizing why people are starting to get duped. This one looked so professional, good graphics, no spelling or grammatical errors etc. It's a definite step up from those Nigerian faxes.
  3. No - I didn't take any further action on the Jet's game because I couldn't get a free flight out of Buffalo. But I'm all ready for the Browns on December 12. I'll probably freeze my a$$ off though. I'm bringing my son Matt.
  4. I got an e-mail this morning from PayPall telling me they are updating their security software and need me to re-register. The damn thing looks SO REAL. i decided to err on the side of caution and press my "report spam" button(I have AOL) and didn't respond. Has anyone else heard of this?
  5. We're his family - he comes here to get criticized, ridiculed and loved unconditionally.
  6. Excellent point Jack.
  7. That definitely belongs on the sarcasm thread.
  8. It was our old buddy Stevestojan from Florida.
  9. I just did a single seat search on BB.com and it gave me sec 133, row 1, seat 5 as the best available (front row, 50 yard line). This is a terrible seat because you cant see anything so they must be getting really close. Noon is the deadline right?
  10. Shame on you Cincy. Confusing me with the Brits. In Oz it's Vegemite and made by Kraft Foods. That's Australia's secret to good health.
  11. Count me in. I love group hugs.
  12. No funny stories here. I've been dumped 3 times in my life. The first one died in Viet Nam, the 2nd fell in love with someone at work and the 3rd just stopped calling after I blasted him for drinking too much and going through my underwear drawers . Depending on how long and strong your relationship was, it will hurt and will eat away at your confidence for a while. Visit this board often - it can be very theraputic, get involved in some crazy threads and learn to laugh at yourself. That'll help the pain get easier.
  13. The more I see these articles, the more I wonder what on earth they are putting in our processed food.
  14. And you should be spanked for that
  15. Australians are SO crazy (but loveable)
  16. Yes please
  17. you're kidding right?
  18. Now from a woman's perspective....that's funny.
  19. You're right. There must be a direct connection between beer drinking and testosterone.
  20. My 20 year old set out to vote for the 1st time with a friend. They stood in line for about an hour and then lost interest. He was supporting Bush and decided that since we live in Texas, his vote wouldn't count anyway. He wasn't at all interested in any of the other races. This is the same son that is joining the army because he wants to go to Iraq. The irony of it all. My puzzle is this: If a child is considered mature enough to vote and die for his country, why can he not buy a beer?
  21. Kenny gets there around 7 and he's usually first in line right at the gate. When I went up for the Miami game last season, I got in line around 8 and I was about 25 cars back.
  22. Best moment: Learning that the new Dallas County Sheriff will be an honest, dedicated, hard working hispanic female instead of the fat, 50 year old obnoxious white guy that thought he had the election in the bag. Very best moment: When my sister called all the way from Australia to tell me she was watching the election results live. Worst moment: when I got on the wall this morning and saw classless comments about Kerry and his wife. Very worst moment: When I realized I've got to be here for 10 hours today after only 4 hours sleep.
  23. Beerball's new avatar looks much more comforatble to sit on than that lime green couch.
  24. Very bad taste. I guess if you're not attractive, introverted and walk two paces behind the President - you're subject to barbs and name calling. I'm surprised no one has started critizing Mrs. Edwards' weight.
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