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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Personally I think it's bad taste. I'd decline.
  2. You're almost right AD. You gotta' put Oz in 2nd place though, with Canada a close 3rd.
  3. Loved it...except for the 40 mins that Time Warner couldn't fix their signal problems. Missed the US and Canadian athletes coming in and then most of the entertainment. But overall, I'm an Olympic fan so I love every part of it. And did you know that the Canadian National Anthem is the only one in the free world that doesn't describe war?
  4. Sorry, but downtown Buffalo has a long way to go before it could be as nice a backdrop as Pittsburgh is
  5. I don't care where they build it - I'll still be there for every opener. However, I just hope they keep those restrooms at the top of the upper deck. I've never seen another stadium with restrooms up there and it's great not having to go all the way down the stairs if you're sitting in the high 300s.
  6. Negril Jamaica. And that's all I'm saying. But it was so much fun, I've made it an annual trip.
  7. Not sure if this will help - but I had that happen to me. Found out later that I had been sold the Kilz for oil based paint instead of water based (they never asked and I didn't know). Then I had painted over it with a flat latex. But after another full coat with a slightly darker white of flate latex - it corrected the problem.
  8. Agreed. I loved it. But then again, I always have to pick a team to root for - and then I put my heart into it. It helps me really enjoy the game. I was rooting for Jabari Greer to get a SB ring.
  9. Well said......they may be playing to the median age of the crowd who spends the $$ to attend the game and all its periferal activities and/or makes the advertising decisions for all the corporate sponsors.
  10. Mrs. Beerball....you just HAVE to get on this board more often. Besides - we need more girls!!!
  11. Oh shame on you...talking about our hero Jimbo that way!
  12. I liked it too! Cracked me up when his trash blew out of the bag - LOL. Some US companies do this. But definitely not enough.
  13. Didn't he also do a great job against TO in that Cowboys Monday night game a few years back??? Another unappreciated workhorse that we let slip through our fingers. So glad he has his ring now.
  14. Hey John! So glad you're back! I know that you're not completely out of the woods yet and there is still work (and patience) ahead for both of you. But this progress has been wonderful. Now I can get rid of that ugly damn avatar and go back to being me. Geaux Saints!!!
  15. Now we're all holding our breath - hoping he'll be set free today. I want to get rid of this ugly damn avatar.
  16. Does anyone have suggestions for tasty, nutritious snacks made with no processed food?
  17. Latest update from Mrs. Beerball: Thursday, February 4, 2010 12:47 PM, CST I didn't find Matrix guy, but the attending physician told me that there was absolutely nothing to worry about. I grilled him and he had no idea what autoimmune response she could've been talking about. Gah....all the nurses have been great up to this point. I really think she could've kept her bad information to herself. We saw the ear, nose, and throat doctor this morning. Doctor Lee says based on what he sees, no surgery will be necessary. Tubes, maybe. Steroids to treat meningitis-related nerve damage, maybe. Hearing aid, probably. Huh, now he won't have any reason to claim he didn't hear me. There is a *rumor* that he might go home this weekend with the IV still in for antibiotics and home nursing care to help manage it. Philip will be home this weekend with the lovely Megan and little Jasper kitty. Yeah! Took lunch to the girls at school this afternoon. Thanks to Christie and my MRE/MRI teacher buddies for the moolah and the gift cards. Jason's Deli tasted great. Notes: *His mouth is still sore and eating is tough *I checked the mail for the first time in a few days and there were like 30 cards! Thank you all so much. *He showered and shaved yesterday so he's lookin' good. Wahwahwah as Chachi would say.
  18. Rough crowd in this thread.
  19. I really like Mrs. Beerball's sense of humor and writing style. Maybe she should join us here on the "wall" more often.
  20. I'm thinking of making some food to take up to the hospital. I heard that Beerball really likes Ritatta. Does anyone have the recipe?
  21. Congrats to your new Daddy's girl. Hope Mom and baby are doing well. (Now that you have a daughter, I wonder if she'll go to WVU?)
  22. Here is the latest update from Mrs. Beerball on the Caring Bridge website: Prayers are still necessary since he has to have this second surgery. But if it cures his snoring - that's great!!! Tuesday, February 2, 2010 12:23 PM, CST Afternoon update: *He's going to need surgery on his sinuses (mastoid bones) to remove infection in there. Although I hate the idea of tubes and anesthesia again, it's critical to get all the infection out or this could come back. On the bright side, maybe this means his snoring will be cured *He has thrush on the roof of his mouth so he's getting antibiotics for that along with cepacol lozenges. * He pinched my butt when I turned to get him a tissue. Rande, I am keeping WAY too close an eye on him. Haha. You know I'm "half fun and full earnest" as the Irish say in regard to the snoring. If you or someone you love has extreme snoring and or chronic sinus trouble, you need to get it checked out.
  23. Awesome!!!
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