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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. I was listening to a discussion of this on the radio and they said it's not the worst fan/player brawl in the US. There was one many years ago in Cleveland at a 10c beer night and game between the Indians and Rangers. Does anyone know anything about it?
  2. Not for me. It went right into the toilet. The jokes belong in a different thread.
  3. Very rich....very good.....and very British. It's also popular with the Aussies.
  4. My son-n-law was going to deep fry our turkey and I even bought the oil. So he called last night to tell me he's checked the weather report for Thursday and it will be only 52 degrees outside (and sunny)!!! So he's asking if, since it will be SO COLD outside on the patio, can just cook it in the oven? Damn wimpy Texans!!
  5. Why does it seem like southern christian women suffer more from "postpartum depression"? This is so evil!
  6. Correction you guys...."unfullfilled" women are catty.
  7. Meaning that I miss you when you don't post.
  8. I wanted to get to this game as well. Shame it was on Thanksgiving weekend.
  9. For football data: Lori For the lighter side of the game: #89 Most Courageous under attack: BF and Stevestojan Most sane: R. Rich Most hyper: SidBuff Best mannered: Rockpile, Jay Rubeo Most flirtatious: too many to list Most forgotton: Bills4Life Most missed: AIO Most Important: SDS (for obvious reasons)
  10. I read somewhere that the local community gave a lot to this because the farm had been in that family for a couple of generations. There were many local business that also donated and the show's producers felt that everything donated should be passed on to that family, not given to others. That's probably why they kept mentioning "saving" another American icon, the "family farm"
  11. Since this thread started about Eli Manning I though I would share this: http://www.dailyramblings.com/ramblings/528.php This writer sounds like some of our wallers.
  12. I didn't cry quite as much as the week before, but I get tears every show. I love how they pick people who are truly deserving.
  13. I thought it was Bakersfield, CA. But the outer areas of Bakersfield are mostly farms. Perhaps he meant "heartland" socio economically rather than geographically.
  14. Here in Dallas it's just the college age kids and the bars they frequent. The bars for the over 35 crowd are kind of quiet. I remember those awsome party nights when I lived in WNY. I cooked a lot of turkeys with a hangover.
  15. I cracked up at the lawn thing with Bree and her kids. I had to do that with my son once, but I just threw it all out on the lawn. I was way too angry to arrange it. Great writing on this show. It's a hoot. I love Sunday nights now with Home Improvement, Desperate Housewives and then Boston Legal. Of course with a Bills win - it makes for an awesome day.
  16. Cooking a traditional meal for my kids and boyfriends/spouses and their parents that are in Dallas, and some strays that are separated from their families including a Packers fan. 12 people. We eat, watch football and play board games. This year if the weather cooperates, my son-in-law will deep fry the turkey southern style. Your day sounds wonderful Nick.
  17. Extreme makeover - Home Edition and Boston Legal. Awesome.
  18. I thought it was only two. Then there was another he caught on about the 5 yard line and then it was run in I think.
  19. Thanks for the report Millbank. I wish we could get the game somewhere on cable. I enjoy CFL
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