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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. I hoped you checked the insurance cost for that son when he's 16 to drive that car.
  2. Me too. But maybe Drew won't confuse the opposing team's receivers
  3. Yes. I was thinking about the coming weekend. It should have been BF.
  4. I'd have ribs and chicken again with BJ and SidBuff (or sherry trifle with BIB)
  5. The long scarves are much better. They reach the corner posts on the headboard .
  6. You too Steve. Sorry you won't be with the family up north.
  7. I don't read much about the "boys" problems Paco. I'd rather spend my time on TSW. However, I listen to a local sports talk radio on the way to work and there are a million excuses for the losses and a growing anamosity toward Parcells. You guys are probably tired of my favorite word "CHEMISTRY". But I really believe it's not considered enough when try to figure out why a team just can't seem to get it together.
  8. I voted for Rudy. He's the only one on my ignore list (so far)
  9. You bum. I had to work two jobs when I was at University. Didn't watch TV. Come to think of it - I don't think they had TV when I was in school.
  10. I'm printing this out for the Bulletin board at my office. The cowboy fans sure are quiet around here. No one even talks about football any more. At least Bills fans keep talking about the game even when we're 4-6.
  11. I guess that's why the men's rooms don't have a line? Guys like to urinate outdoors? Showing off?
  12. Also: chapstick Small puzzle books small pencils
  13. He found it SIDBUFF - It was freeze panes
  14. That's funny Steve. I've caught myself doing the same thing. You're famous.
  15. Many out of town Bills fans stay in Fort Lauderdale
  16. Low country boil and trifle? It can't get much better than that.
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