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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. They have that "cave girl" look going. Hope it's not too distracting. http://www.bengals.com/cheerleaders/img/full/jessica04.jpg
  2. I thought he wanted y'all to look at the cheerleader photos at the bottom of the page.
  3. IMO - being a Bills fan (or at least a supportive partner) should be a pre-requisite for the 2nd date
  4. Correction. It's www.hambystudios.com. Beautiful work.
  5. When we had the tailgate down in Dallas, a young couple and their baby DROVE from Buffalo for the game. What is that? About 25 hours? Tell her you only live once. Gotta' make the most of it.
  6. Since this is such a big game, how about we try to watch it in groups? Much more exciting that watching alone. I'll have 2 other Bills fans at my house on Sunday for the game with wings, snacks and beer. The Bills will be on the bigger TV with sound and the Cowgirls will be on the smaller TV muted. Any Dallas area Bills fans like to join us for some yelling and singing of the Shout song? Please PM me - I'm in Carrollton right off George Bush Tollway and 35E.
  7. Don't know about Dean, I saw posts from the others last week.
  8. Now I remember. But I wasn't counting and the stadium lights were out.
  9. How about the 50 yard line of the Toronto skydome (after hours).
  10. I used to read a lot more - and talk on the phone.
  11. I'm still typing Stevestojan - I always did. Some habits are hard to break.
  12. LOL - alas, no Fabio. He was on the football team. They actually won the Vanier Cup that year.
  13. I can definitely understand men in their 60s buying it - there aren't any spider veins or stretch marks on the legs.
  14. Damn LA - I knew we had a lot in common! When I was 42 I had a 22 year old boyfriend. A senior at Univ of Toronto.
  15. Actually it's not "crown and country", it's "God and the Empire"
  16. A marriage proposal - sitting on a Sydney (Aust) beach after midnight. Christmas is summer over there.
  17. Y'all deserve a spanking. Anyone have "real" info?
  18. There are even some poor misguided fools who think that 50 isn't old. There is a God.
  19. Sorry if my head has been so much in work, dating and football recently but did I miss something? Last night I was watching a show on PBS about the Royals and heard that the Queen recently knighted George Bush Senior, Steven Spielburg, Bill Gates and someone else I can't remember. Am I the only one who missed this news?
  20. I remember my parents thinking that "folk" and/or "Beatles" music would ruin me because it was people singing about "life" as they saw it at the time. Does today's rap music have people singing about "life" as they see it?
  21. LAME posts are the best kind...entertaining. Have a wonderful time in NYC. Sorry I didn't get to see either of you at the Cleveland game.
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