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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Rather than spending taxpayer money by tying it up in court forever, perhaps this would be the best idea. Just think of it: 1. With so many people dumping their trash on this portion of road - they'd have to be out there constantly (even during a MO winter) picking up trash or if they didn't.... 2. That stretch of road would look so trashed that people would continue to associate it with the trashy KKK. I think they'd reconsider their desire to do it and we wouldn't have the ridiculous legislation tying up the courts.
  2. Isn't Michael still on probation for his last bust? I seem to remember a few years ago that he was arrested naked in an apartment building in North Dallas.
  3. You go girlfriend!!
  4. I wonder if Rudy is at the top?
  5. If teaching gun safety to children were all that is neccesary to keep them safe in their home - then how is it that experienced adult hunters still manage to injure or kill themselves (and each other) every hunting season? I think the parents are responsible for this one. I would NEVER leave a loaded gun accessible anywhere in my house with 4 kids unde 17.
  6. Perhaps. But they wait until the 4th date to have face to face sex.
  7. It was probably loaded and sitting in the back of the closet in case of burglars.
  8. Awesome game - lots of unbelievable kicking - real "foot"ball.
  9. I'd just like to see a team that's gone to the SB four times and lost - finally win one. So I'm in for a major letdown? No problem, I'm a Bills fan - I'm used to it.
  10. 1. Boston Legal - AMAZING writing 2. Desperate Housewives - too funny. 3. CSI 4. Without a trace 5. Extreme makover Home edition. 6. Cold Case 7. Everyone loves Raymond 8. Law & Order SVU 9. ER 10. Anything on the History channel
  11. Perhaps the new beau is keeping her busy??
  12. Enquiring minds want to know........
  13. Now, that's the spirit. Have a great time!
  14. Where is La Conchita LA? Must be a new community since I left in 1987
  15. Hey JSP! Since you're dieting AND have stopped smoking - put all that money you're NOT spending on fast food and cigs in a Bills piggy bank. Then go to BOTH games (About $35 a week?)
  16. Great news - thanks for the update.
  17. OK then - ship me some dessert wine and I'll pour it over ice cream.
  18. Even though I originaly predicted a Steelers/Eagles SB. My heart would like to see the Vikings win one. ONLY for the fans who've stuck with them through 4 super bowl losses - Lord knows, we all know how that feels.
  19. Here were my predictions. Hey LA - I got 10 correct. Perhaps a bottle of wine or dessert?? April 15, 2004 : Week 1 - Jacksonville – Loss (right) Week 2 - at Oakland – Win (wrong) Week 4 - New England – Loss (right) Week 5 - at New York – Win (wrong) Week 6 - Miami – Loss (wrong) Week 7 - at Baltimore – Win (wrong) Week 8 - Arizona – Win (right) Week 9 - New York – Win (right) Week 10 - at New England – Loss (right) Week 11 - St. Louis – Win (right) Week 12 - at Seattle – Loss (wrong) Week 13 - at Miami – Win (right) Week 14 - Cleveland – Win (right) Week 15 - at Cincinnati – Loss (wrong) Week 16 - at San Francisco – Win (right) Week 17 - Pittsburgh – Loss (right) 9-7
  20. I'm wondering if they cut to commercial because people started a Reggie cheer after a few seconds of silence. BTW - I've never liked that phrase "moment" of silence. Exactly how long is a moment?? Why don't they say "minute" so that everyone knows how long the moment will last.
  21. Agree - I think they'll keep Rivers and give Brees to the Tuna.
  22. Agreed.
  23. Silkie
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