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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. So what is his problem??
  2. Great article. I'm having soooooooo much fun with my Cowboy fan boss this week.
  3. I buy my computers at Best Buy. But I pay the $25 for them to unpack it, go through everything and get it user ready. Saves a lot of headaches.
  4. Who's R. Rich?
  5. New Orleans will be my "away" game this year.
  6. Good. Then you can fix the snacks so #89 can stay in the meeting and take her always entertaining notes.
  7. You'd better be! I haven't forgotton about the gumbo you promised.
  8. The moral of this story? Do NOT allow yourself to be physically restrained by a woman you've just broken up with. Hell hath no fury.......
  9. I just can't see why a man would rather spend his life in prison or get executed rather than pay child support for 18 years.
  10. I watch this show because I feel that spending advertising revenue on building new homes for people is far more positive than watching them eat disgusting animal body parts or $10,000 engagement rings and rose ceremonies.
  11. That's because blind guys have a great sense of touch.
  12. So do we all get to call her a T-Bone now?
  13. I'm so bummed.
  14. I enjoy watching the World Cup. Just try it sometime. No, I mean REALLY try it. Make a decision to watch as much of the series as possible and learn the rules of the game. Just like most other sports, if you have a team to follow and get to know the players, you will care who wins and it won't be boring. I remember back in another life when I absolutely HATED American Football. I was a die-hard Aussie Rules fan and thought that Football over here was a bunch of pansies running around protected by all that padding and were so spoiled by not having to play the entire game as offense AND defense. And to make it even worse, they actually got to set up to kick the ball!! I was bored to death for years. Until I moved to WNY, started following a team (Bills) and started learning the game.
  15. Love ya' Rich in Ohio.
  16. Wow - this happened to my Mom a long time ago. The Dr. said that if the blood vessel hadn't broken, then she would have had a stroke. Lucky.
  17. Keep that up and I'll double the amount of beers you owe me.
  18. He may be on the Atkins Diet. But seriously, I cut those up and put them on salad. I've also just eaten them with some cocktail sauce. They're just made of white fish.
  19. Have a wonderful birthday Rich. Enjoy your day in the city with Lisa. WE LOVE YOU.
  20. I've said it before and I'll say it again... as much as I'm supporting JP, I don't believe he's physically strong enough for the NFL defenses he'll meet week after week on the field. I suspect more injuries and only hope we have strength and experience in our back up QBs
  21. Oh Brandon - how could you ruin my day like that!
  22. They were already talking about it on the local sports radio station this morning. The announcers must not have been watching Bills games - they're talking about Drew like he's a superman. Of course they were just as excited last year about Vinnie. Fans down here are strange.
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