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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. OMG - Is she still alive? I just can't begin to imagine what this is like for her mother. All you parents - could you watch your child dying this way?
  2. And we'll all look forward to your report Cindy.
  3. If you've never been to this area before and would like to see some good ole' Texas Cowboy stuff, definitely get over to the "Stockyards" just north of Fort Worth. Billy Bobs is there as well. You can look at all this stuff online as well.
  4. Not sure where in the world you are right now, but there's something out there that is very similar to sponge candy but crispier and IMO better. It's called a Violet Crumble and can often be found at Jason's Deli or International food stores. It has a bright purple wrapper. Where are you anyway?
  5. This promises to be a light hearted comedy that I'm sure will relate to me as a Bills Fan. The heartbreaking experiences of the constant losses and then driving my boyfriends crazy because I refuse to go anywhere on weekends during football season unless there is a sports bar available.
  6. Perhaps this could be pinned?
  7. I watch and read insults being consistently hurled between "right" and "left". Since it's so important to everyone that we all must have a label, what do you call someone who is in the middle?
  8. Agreed - Inquiring minds want to know. Come on Cindy - 'fess up now.
  9. That's what I hate. Them realizing they got the story wrong AFTER you paid big $$$ for an attorney.
  10. I'm truly amazed she's still hanging on.
  11. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7314617/
  12. Perhaps we could play a Bills vs. Dolphins game down there so the Mexicans can see how much mature we are when we urinate on each others colors and walk around in front of each other's children with shirts that say "!@#$ the (Bills/Dolphins). Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  13. Yes, you're so right. I'm just so fuggin' tired of paying a fortune for health care premiums. I work around a bunch of 40+ people who can attribute about 95% of their health problems to what garbage they put into themselves in their teens and 20s. Moderation would be OK. But my son's friends virtually LIVE at fast food joints.
  14. I'll be in Galveston, but I will be thinking of you guys. Please take a group pic and post it.
  15. I'll never understand why....since you all know how dangerous this stuff is....you keep buying them? Just stop buying this junk and it will force them to market healthier food.
  16. The virus and bacteria strains are much tougher now. WASH HANDS CONSTANTLY!
  17. You sing to your lover? That is sooooo cool.
  18. Nope - never got caught. However my youngest son has managed to make up for it. But I had a worse experience. My mother caught me sneaking out of the house after midnight when I was 15. Couldn't sit down for a week!
  19. Wow - when I was little, my dad used to sing it to me as well. And now that he's gone to a better place, I think of him every time I hear that song.
  20. Ditto - and please everyone drive safely.
  21. I think it's more of a spiritual thing. I remember the first (and only) time I went to Lambeau Field. I was amazed that here was this person, born & raised more than half way around the world would actually be standing in the parking lot and looking up at this old ugly green stadium and "feeling" the ghost of the great Lombardi. I felt the same way at Wrigley Field.
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