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Posts posted by aussiew

  1. Here's hoping the Terrible Towels in your household are used mainly for wiping tears of anguish after a Steeler loss!


    Or better yet...volunteer to be the one who gathers them up and puts them in the trunk.


    Then "accidently" forget them. I'm sure the Bills fans sitting around you in the stadium will love you for it. :thumbsup:


    Have a great weekend in Buff and have a wing or 25 for me.

  2. It's been a long time since 4th grade history but I seem to recall that this day was started to commemorate Armistice Day (the end of world war I). It was supposed to be a somber day to "remember" those allies (not just the USA) who lost their lives in battle. So, hearing someone say "Happy" Veterans Day sounds very weird to me.


    I stand open for correction.

  3. Say what you will about our 0-8 season so far. But I watched a football game at noon (1 pm) yesterday. Both teams were struggling for the win and from where I was sitting - we have some hungry players who WANT TO WIN! I've seen it for the past three weeks.


    I only watched half a football game last night. One of those teams seems to be lazy and overpaid and is more concerned about pointing to everyone else for their failure. I was so embarrassed for the Cowgirls, I had to turn the game off at the end of the third quarter.


    Flame me all you want but I still wear my bills colors proudly.

  4. It was disappointing that we lost. BUT I was really impressed by how many Sabres fans showed up. We had a good gathering beforehand for a bar tailgate (no tailgating at American Airlines center) with about 75 people showing up. Met some who did the 4 hour drive from Houston and a small group who drove 5 hours from San Antonio. Then when entering the arena, I couldn't believe how much blue and gold was there. We have the BEST fans!!!

  5. Letting your child stay up until midnight on a school night to let them watch a ballgame and making sure that they got themselves up in time for school was a great way of teaching them self discipline. My parents were not terrible. There are several things I can attribute to my success as an adult. Number one is my work ethic and that comes directly from my parents. It's those little things such as. "Yes, you can stay up and watch the game. But you MUST get yourself up in time for school tomorrow." I did every time. Thanks mom and dad


    Raised 5 great kids. I often "broke the rules" when it came to what could have been a "once in a lifetime" opportunity or a very special occasion. When the Bills played MNF - my youngest got to stay up. I also took him out of school when he was 9 to go to his first Bisons home opener. He still remembers that experience. My girls remember playing hookey from college and work to fly to Miami with me for the playoff game in 1993. Great memories of that one.


    There are other forms of education besides what is taught in schools. Memories of doing special things with your parents are very important IMHO.

  6. Call me crazy....but I'm making plans to fly to Minneapolis for the game on Dec 5. Never been to that stadium and never seen Favre play a live game with his home fans - I'm sure this will be his last season and my gut tells me that the Bills will win this game. Family obligations have prevented me from attending any other "away" games this season and I'm suffering from withdrawals.


    Who's in??

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