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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. That is wonderful news for your family. Have they actually decided what her diagnosis is yet?
  2. You beat me to it Campy. I always have to explain that "catholic" word to my Baptist friends down here. I'm one of the "frozen chosen" as well. I think our services are more RC than the RCs are nowdays. And horror of horrors - I went to an Episc Cathedral in NYC that had "images" and a candle alter.
  3. If you're talking about a "live" game - I cannot remember. But it was the season after "wide right"
  4. At least it wasn't banned. I'll bet it wouldn't be allowed to open here.
  5. My point being that they come across because they know that they can find work here. As long as citizens give work opportunities to illegals, they'll keep coming.
  6. They contribute a lot in my area. We can't get locals to cut grass in 100+ degree heat.
  7. I think those are Texans And if they're driving a pick-up with a Confederate flag in the back, you can bet they have more than one gun.
  8. What a blessing! As a fellow mother of wonderful twin daughters, I would urge you to: 1. Accept ALL the help you are offered - you'll need it ( even if it means having family you don't like around helping 2. Encourage your wife to nurse as long as she is able (it will help the lung development and make a real difference later). 3. Consider giving them individual names. Soundalike names sound cute right now, but researchers advise against it - especially for boy twins. 4. Don't sweat the small stuff - and don't mind the messy house - you'll get so little sleep in the first 2-3 months that you'll wonder how to get through it. But amazingly, we all do. 5. Get involved with a parents of multiples group - they can pass on such wonderful advice, research and timesaving hints - it can be a lifesaver! CONGRATULATIONS!!
  9. All my best #89. And I'm looking forward to meeting Mary in September. Keep your chin up girlfriend, Mary will be fine.
  10. Section 129, row 3. Right next to four guys dressed as nuns. Some season ticket holder didn't take their playoff option.
  11. Good point - besides the Mods who donate so much time to TSW, the other behind the scenes workers who give to much time to TSW activities. And Jay Rubeo for helping us with tickets for the home opener.
  12. I'm not a far right nut job but I'm starting to wonder myself.
  13. Have you been listening to "The Ticket" beerball?
  14. THANKS CINDY! And don't apologize for the human interest side. Us out-of-towners don't get enough of it. Your sister is in my prayers.
  15. Yes - even though I don't agree - these reports are so creative. You're a very good writer!
  16. I was "relunctantly" supportive of letting her go. But then I took some time to read more and try to get more facts. Almost impossible because everything is clouded with so much emotion and has become very complex. All I'm saying is that I'm surprised she's still alive and that as a parent, I could not watch my child die by being starved to death.
  17. My mom always said "If you want to go fishing, make sure you use the right bait." I wasn't too sure what she was talking about.
  18. It's just so hard to believe that my family pets had a more dignified death than this woman is getting.
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