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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. Well said. Don't make your wife choose sides between her husband and her mother. It's so unfair. It sounds to me like your MIL is mentally ill. In that case, reason isn't going to work.
  2. Will the baptism be part of a regular service? Or a separate event?
  3. It amazes me that so many here who have never (or will never) face the pain of making this heartbreaking decision, can be so sure their opinion is the right one. 1. The pain of adoption: Having been raised in the time of the "back alley abortionists of the 50s and 60s, I faced this dilemna when my first love (and first lover) was killed in Viet Nam only 4 weeks after arriving. Later, learning of my pregnancy (yes, we used condoms), and being afraid to seek a dangerous (and illegal) termination of my pregnancy, I endured months of loathing from my parents, 2 months in an "unwed mothers home" in another state (where we were treated like lepers) and that awful "secret" delivery in a strange place. I held and nursed my daughter for the next few days while my mother managed to convince me of my selfishness, stupidity and irresponsibility in thinking I could take care of this child. So I signed the papers, kissed her goodbye and promised myself that her sweet face would be forever etched on my brain. After months of emptiness, the pain gradually found a corner of my heart where it would emerge every year on her birthday. It's a long story, but we searched for (and found) each other after 21 years and it has been a positive, beautiful experience, developing a relationship with her, meeting her adoptive parents and becoming an "extended" family. 2. The pain of Abortion: About two years after my divorce, I was in a loving relationship with a nice guy. I was a single mom with 3 kids at home, he was a single dad with dual custody of 4 children and whopping child support payments. I was taking birth controls pills. I became pregnant. I was devastated. Money was tight - I had to work to take care of my children. I agonized over the decision to have an abortion because I felt it was wrong (and still do). But somehow I knew it was the right decision for my family at the time. Do I regret it? Yes, absolutely. The pain of ending my pregnancy will probably always be with me. Would I do it again? In the same circumstances, yes I would. I've written this to point out that not all women are "irresponsible" with birth control. So many women are faced with these gut wrenching decisions in their life. There is no right answer. This issue will never be put to rest because there is no "right" decision - but I'm glad that my daughters live in a time when they at least have a legal choice about something that will affect them for a lifetime.
  4. Maybe we could follow the law and really be entitled to a jury of our "peers"? So, in a trial, I would be judged by twelve 50+ single mothers who loved football and loitered around message boards finding thoughts in common with under 30 men. One could only hope.
  5. Yes, Jon did some magic with audience participation. I was surprised at how good he is. It's been a hobby since he was a child. Heartbreaking story. But he's turned out so well. Loves his family, his community and his team.
  6. So....all these $$ spent on sexy perfumes and pine tree bark would have been just as effective?
  7. I think it means not being held accountable if they don't make it by an expected date.
  8. Er.....Beerball........I'm only Texan by injection
  9. This is truly amazing. What about all the people in the Army reserve who's families are losing their homes and/or going bankrupt because they are on greatly reduced incomes while they serve full time in Iraq?? So get a loan and do your duty.
  10. So sorry to hear about your Dad Ramius. Big hug.
  11. Bear - The koala is the wrong avatar. A koala isn't a bear.
  12. So I took the afternoon off to hang out by the pool. I was soaking up some rays with the TV on and guess what. The Montel show comes on and there's Jon. "Dorenbos' dramatic story, which has aired on HBO's "Inside the NFL," as well as on CBS and ESPN, qualified in, well, a snap. At the age of 12, his idyllic family life in Seattle came to an abrupt halt when his father was accused and subsequently convicted of brutally murdering his mother. Dorenbos discusses the difficulties of testifying at his father's trial, saying "it seemed like I was up there forever." Raised by an aunt, Dorenbos became a professional magician. He also used the skills he developed as a college long snapper at the University of Texas at El Paso to eventually make it to the NFL with the Bills." He's so cute.
  13. EXACTLY. No argument here. My step-grandsons are "kept" busy with three sports per season. They don't even know how to organize a pick-up game. I wonder what this will do for them as adults? Will they always need someone to organize them?
  14. Had a boyfriend tell me that once. Wishful thinking
  15. My twin girls have September birthdays so they started school two weeks before they turned 5. I was told the same thing by the teacher. My mother said that I needed to start spending more time with them. Increase the amount of two-way conversation you have with your daughter, involve her in family discussions and you may see a big difference.
  16. Good view of our tailgate locations.
  17. AGREED!! And why do parents encourage their kids to overextend themselves by participating in too many activities in the same season? Are they afraid that there will be enough spare time that they may actually have to make conversation with their kids? Or Heaven forbid, actually sit down at the dinner table together?
  18. After raising 5 kids and spending about 20k on dental fillings. I'm glad to see that responsible parents will finally get at least a little support from the media. It's hard to compete with the high fat school lunches, the junk food machines in school and all the garbage that's advertised on TV.
  19. Good point. But wouldn't he need to bulk up?
  20. Correction - that is Lot 1 - Pole 5. Unless it's the home opener - then you go to Hammers Lot.
  21. If that's you - why didn't you just list them here on the Trading Post?
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