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Everything posted by aussiew

  1. The Packers and the Texans. And the Browns only because of what Art did to the fans of Cleveland.
  2. The suspense is killing me.
  3. Best advice out there!
  4. Another blonde (or is it senior?) moment. Thanks for the correction.
  5. .....we love those sweet young boy faces.
  6. Was there once. In 1997. Went to see my boy Beebe play in his last game. He was ejected. Anyone see that? Anyway, the stadium is awesome - so old - so many ghosts.
  7. Oh man - how tempting is that. To see our boys play in the famous Lambeau Field. In the SUMMER!!!
  8. I'm thinkin' #89 might be there.
  9. They've never done that for me. So many times I've stood looking out the window for a full 10 mins before the plane pulled away. Bastages.
  10. Wow - with a name like that - can we assume you'll be at the New Orleans game?
  11. http://www.buffalobills.com/facility/SeatingChart.jsp Click on a section for a view of the field.
  12. Found all but one answer on ticketmaster. Anyone going? Sounds like it might be a fun weekend to fly to Buf.
  13. So one event on Friday, June 3rd and another on Saturday June 4th. Both at the Ralph Anyone going? Anyone have more details? Costs, schedules etc.?
  14. Agreed! Also, Japanese citizens don't need a visa to enter Canada for tourism.
  15. Ever since Bryan Cox, no one has been fun to really hate. But Deion and Randy Moss really bother me at times.
  16. This is Godawful. Very strange that they were stabbed repeatedly but no sign of sexual assult. Family member?
  17. Oh well....haven't we all slept with a dog or two in our lifetime?
  18. Thanks sweetie! And you're all excused....well, most of you anyway.
  19. And some of you think WE don't have a life? http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/news/article.ad...509114609990001
  20. So true - risking one's life to prove to one's self that it can be done. Something that many (not all) women can't understand.
  21. You should seek medical care - either at the ER or your doctor. You'll be sorry later if you neglect any injuries to the ankles, knees or spine. However, check your medical insurance coverage. If you have a PPO with a high deductible and your doctor has to send you out to a lab for x-rays/tests, the cost will be applied toward your 2005 deductible. If you go to the ER - you'll have a higher co-pay, but any tests they do on site will be covered.
  22. And some traditions should go on forever.
  23. Hey, at my age - I'd be flattered by those kinds of thoughts.
  24. My twin daughters are "pill" babies. Apparently that brand wasn't strong enough to prevent ovulation. I also have a "condom" son, a "condom" daughter and a "rythym method" son. Stevestojan happens. I commend you for only using government assistance when it was absolutely neccessary and worked so hard to improve your situation.
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