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  1. I'm a fan of rescue. Sweetest dog I ever had was a pitty.
  2. I'm in. With about 30 of my tailgate friends and Pinto Kenny.
  3. Is anyone trying to sell 2 club seats on the Bills side for the Lions game? I'm not doing so well out in the cold this season.
  4. Bills Dad says his car was parked next to the girls porta potties. The sign was left learning up against the car. I know that many TBD folks park right near there. Hope someone saw something or knows who might have been parked next to Bills Dad on Sunday.
  5. I for Aussiew please. Arriving about 8:30am.
  6. 1 for Aussiew tomorrow. Cannot find the thread where I'm supposed to reserve. Sorry.
  7. One parking space for Aussiew please.
  8. Why would a person spend all that to live with an ocean view and then have all those trees blocking the view? Very rich people are a little strange IMHO.
  9. So sorry, can't seem to find the post. Is there one? Is it still at Nicks? Or somewhere else. Waited years to get back to WNY and attend this.
  10. I prefer to see the ratings from the movie goers.
  11. Do any fellow historians know how and when National Anthems even started? Every country has a flag and a national anthem and almost every one of he anthems is about war/fighting (except Canada). Most countries do not play their anthems before sporting events. I never heard it growing up in Australia. What I don't understand is why so many people go on and on about a few athletes exercising their rights as citizens, but why is only required to stand if you're actually at your seat? lots of folks are still getting food, going potty etc., and they don't stand still and take their hat off. And in addition, when did the hat thingy start? I never saw that until about early 90s. The military don't remove their hats, or put their hand over their heart during the anthem. I'm so bloody confused now.
  12. Well, I don't see a list. But just confirming again...Aussiew...1 general....arriving at 3pm.
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