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Webster Guy

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Everything posted by Webster Guy

  1. From the movie First Blood: Sheriff (on Ron Mexico): "He was just another drifter who broke the law!" Colonel Trautman: "Herpes, wasn't it? That's gonna look real good on his grave stone in Arlington: 'Here lies Ron Mexico, runner up in the 2000 national championship, survivor of countless incursions behind enemy lines. Killed for herpes- in Jerkwater, USA.'" Sheriff: "Now don't give me any of that crap Trautman. Do you think Ron Mexico was the only guy who had a tough time with a venerial disease? He killed a police officer for Christ's sake! Trautman: You're goddamn lucky he didn't kill all of you.
  2. Rocky IV: "I see THREE Ron Mexico's! " "Hit the one in the middle" "Yeah, hit the one in the middle!"
  3. "I pointed out that there were only two BB manufacturers in the US at the time, so there was a 50-50 chance anyway." Was it a half-pint milk carton of Crossman BB's?
  4. Do you have to download REAL player for this? I hope not.
  5. "Who's R. Rich?" I don't know, but he sure has a lot of courage.
  6. Replace the lights with black lights and put up a few neon posters... just light enough to see but you can't really make out details in the mirror. That should dissuade the women- no mirrors. Ever been in the bathroom at Marge's in Rochester? Kinda like that.
  7. http://www.fansinblack.com/fib/index.php?a...e=&topic_page=1 Read at least the first 10 threads....
  8. Keyshawn quote (my apologies if already posted): "We've got two good receivers, two good tight ends and a running game with Julius Jones. We've got firepower on offense. In Buffalo, he (Bledsoe) had two head coaches in three years and no receivers to help." - Keyshawn Johnson No receivers to help??? Moulds? Price? Evans? "Just gimme the damn ball" Just shut the hell up!
  9. The sound effects guy from Police Academy, Michael Winslow, is playing at Comix Cafe when you're in town...
  10. Check this out, pretty weird yet I can't look away. http://www.big-boys.com/articles/dudelipsync.html
  11. "Good night. And have a lovely tomorrow." I believe it was "Good night. And have a PLEASANT tomorrow." Maybe we'll see the family of Big Butts!
  12. I agree ICE... Bledsoe's role on this team is to run the Mularkey offense and stay out of the way of it. This is not a put down of Drew, but if he's at his worse when he tries to do too much. Mularkey's stated goal from Day One has been to take pressure off of Drew. The defense DID negate Drew's 3 INT's, even intercepting one back on the following drive. At 5-6, Buffalo has a shot, not a big one, but one nevertheless... so ICE, do you think that Drew should be taken out for JPL when JPL is 100% healthy, or should the Bills keep winning with Drew (won 4 out of 5 with 5 games to go)?
  13. A couple of players were asked about the cheeseburgers on the post game show- they didn't know anything about the cheeseburgers. One guy said he had his chicken breast and had no clue about the burgers.
  14. http://www.superiorpics.com/jessica_alba/pictures2.html Jessica yes... Biel, no...
  15. click on this link, scroll all the way to the bottom, and click on Drew's cardboard cutout.... http://www.cardboardcutouts.com/indxlist.html
  16. Yahtzee! http://www.sublimevisions.com/personal/yahtzee/yahtzee.htm
  17. How about this one? "Yes, we're happy as fish and gorgeous as geese, and wonderfully clean in the morning."
  18. Is it "A Town, A Team, A Dream"? I think so- it has Tim Russert and Vincent Gallo giving interviews. Gallo said in a sentimental, non-bitter way: "Until they win a superbowl, until the city that I'm from- until the Buffalo Bills go all the way- I'll always feel like a loser."
  19. good show, good interviews
  20. For those of you yet to watch the Bills in high definition TV, invite yourself over to a friend's house or find a sports bar with the technology. It's a treat! ESPN 8:30 Sunday Night
  21. Ice, I was happy the Bills won 38-14. We were slapping five and celebrating as we watched the game. I was very happy. You said: "it is comical to come to message boards the day after winning over a team that just outright sucks and hear all the excuses as to why we should be happy" I think it is comical that someone like you tells me why I shouldn't be happy we just won by 24 points. Yes, I am aware of the big picture of the Bills, but why rain on my parade for how I feel about 3 hours on a Sunday. But thanks anyway for telling me how I should feel.
  22. To get Matthews or JP in the starting lineup quickly they should THROW every down.
  23. Definitely Babe Ruth... (you didn't specify the sport). I would like to see how he does in today's game. Of course he would have to play for the Yankees. Next year's lineup" Jeter A-Rod Sheffield Ruth Beltran Matsui
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