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Webster Guy

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Everything posted by Webster Guy

  1. Texas is for real. College football fans already know this. They slipped a little against A&M (some say Vince Young lost the Heisman in that A&M game). USC has had amazing moments this year. But their "squeaked out" win at home versus Fresno State (Reggie Bush gets over 500 total yards and the game still goes to final moments) wasn't impressive. USC has been inconsistent this year, as great as they can be. Texas is a force. If Texas can't stop reggie Bush, USC wins that game within 10 points. If Texas's defense lets Bush get his carries, but doesn't allow the crazy LONG breakaway runs by Bush, then Texas wins. Either way, Texas scores 40-50 points against USC (hey Fresno did it). I suspect the over/under in that game will be 75 points. USC defense has allowed a lot of points and yards but to their credit, they get the turnover or hold a team to a FG when they need to at the end. Can't wait to see that game.
  2. We were playing basketball in the driveway and we all took a break to drink water out of the hose (six 12 year olds). A guy in a Cadillac pulls up in the driveway and goes in the house because he had an appointment with my parents regarding financial advisement/investing. They guy parks right in the spot where we were playing, so I go in the house and my mom immediately shoo's me out as I see paperwork all over the kitchen table. So I get in the guy's OPEN car (ahh...the 70's) and pull the lever gear into Neutral. The car starts to roll slightly back (driveway was a slight hill) and I go to press the breaks and they don't work when the car is off. I SLAM the gearshift into Park and the car makes all these grinding, stuttering, clanking, grinding noises as it clicks to a stop. We all booked into the woods next door and watched for an hour. The guy comes out with his briefcase, looks at his car, looks around, and gets in and leaves. Whew!
  3. She gets my vote for the WGR girl.
  4. I would suggest that you get "Seconds Out", a double live CD. It has Phil Collins singing, but it is when he first took over for Peter Gabriel so a bunch of songs that Gabriel sung are on the CD. Since you are used to Phil Collins singing in the later Genesis years, it might be too much to go to the beginning with Gabriel. People who have gone backwards with Genesis (they like the new stuff and decide to explore their work going back) sometimes don't "get" the old Gabriel stuff right away. "Seconds Out" is a good buffer, you can go backwards from there if you like it. That's what I recommend for ya. Jeff PS If you do decide to go back, the "Lamb Lies Down on Broadway" is sung by Gabriel (double CD) and drummed by Phil Collins and is my fav album of all time. And if you never realized what a phenomenal drummer Phil Collins is, anything pre-Abacab in my opinion is fantastic. Chester Thompson drums live on Seconds Out, but you can hear when Phil Collins stops singing in a song, runs back, and the two drummers drum together. (On the song "Cinema Show", Bill Bruford is the live drummer).
  5. You mean Jim Rome.
  6. 805...saw them at the Penny Arcade...Genesis, Steely Dan, their own hit "Young Boys"... bass player had a 8 or 10 stringer like Tony Levin's....
  7. Amen. My feelings exactly.
  8. I am one of those people whose musical tastes are just stuck in the past. There is a lot of new music which I find ok, some very good, but I am stuck on 70's and 80's music. Not just the popular hits of the time, but the bands themselves. So, I am going to see a band called "The Musical Box" at Shea's Peforming Arts Center, Friday at 8:00 pm. They do old Gabriel Genesis and tickets are $37.50. $37.50??? Well, screw it, I'm going with a buddy of mine who shares my musical taste. The opportunity to see this music performed live doesn't come around too often, so I guess I got to grab the opportunity as I love that music. Lamb Lies Down on Broadway is my all time favorite album. I know every word, every drum beat. Lame? OK, I admit it. A buddy of mine who lives in Cleveland saw them last month and said they were unbelievable. My friends always kid me ("let it go, MAN"). But I can't! Anyway, I am in Rochester (Webster) and have never been to Shea's. Supposedly they have orchestra seats and balcony seats. Anyone ever been there? Any good? Anyone know anyone who can get me great seats?...haha Thanks, Jeff
  9. Michael Irvin in the HOF? Maybe he has the numbers, I don't know. When he played he was a big name who did well, but is he really HOF material? I never thought of him as HOF material when he played. HOF stands for Hall of Fame, not the Hall of the very good... Ahh...maybe I'm wrong.
  10. You just don't hear the word "tepid" anymore... kudos to you for making it work.
  11. I'm with ya! Button...err...Batten down the hatches, ye scurvy Panthers!
  12. The arbitrator couldn't have done that if he wanted to. His purview was to simply assess the grievance brought by the Players Association. The grievance was that 4 games was too much to suspend T.O. (the arbitrator disagreed) and that the Eagles shouldn't keep him inactive after that (again, the arbitrator said Philly was well within their rights in this case). Philly is still paying T.O. for the final games (after the suspension) they don't let him dress- kind of like Keyshawn and Tampa Bay/Gruden two years ago.
  13. Sounds good... do you make polls? Such as "Who should the next head coach be?" Can Hollywood Donahoe vote? Does ICE have a role in the new team? Will Fake Fat Sunny be the press secretary? Will we sell rettata in the stands? What uniforms will the players wear? the cheerleaders? Will you bring Zubaz pants back? Boy that would be fun...
  14. Holcomb's Arm (Mr. Arm?), It seems we're crawling away from the point, post by post... at least MY point, which is this: T.O. has no one to blame but himself. He is 100% responsible for his situation. Have you read this? It's long, but read the whole thing: T.O. report I guess you honestly believe McNabb shares a big part of the blame for this. I just don't see it, I really don't. I can't see how he could have handled it better. But, I guess we agree to disagree. Majorly disagree.
  15. That's an insult to Jessica Simpson. Let me modify that: Owens has the talent of Jerry Rice with the brain of Terrell Owens.
  16. OK, people, if you could have any three questions answered, what would those questions be? Mine: 1) Is there other intelligent life out there? 2) When, if ever, do the Bills ever win the superbowl? 3) Who shot JFK? anyone?
  17. OK, I haven't paid a lot of attention to Whitney Houston since she hit her peak with "The Bodyguard" soundtrack. But going back to the 80's when she first started through the early 90's (remember her "Star Spangled Banner?") she was simply great. She always a had a great voice, her aunt was Dionne Warwick who was kind of a classy looking lady. Whitney was classy looking too, with a killer voice... NOW, I happen to catch her on this BRAVO show "Being Bobby Brown" and I am expecting Flav a Flav and Ivan Drago's girlfriend to join in. And Whitney has Sam Perkins' eyes. Oh, the mighty have fallen far and fallen hard.
  18. Harry Potter is great if you liked the other ones.
  19. You talk about McNabb's ego and I honestly think you are making this up. Give me a link, ANY link that points to somewhere in this whole situation where McNabb's ego was the problem. Your pre-Superbowl quote from last year ain't cuttin' it as the context was explained correctly in an earlier post in this thread. You say Philadelphia gave up on T.O. Of course they did, after giving him numerous chances to conform to company policy (translation: apologize like a man). Terrell Owens is a POS and only has himself to blame. It seems you are doing Terrell Owens' finger pointing for him- "McNabb's Ego!, McNabb's Ego!" Well, to you and T.O....look in the mirror. The finger pointing at anyone else but T.O. is a joke. It's called holding people accountable for their actions. T.O. got what he deserved. The neutral moderator agreed when he looked at all the facts. You should look at all the facts as well.
  20. "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced." "Well, we're in Canada. Go wait in line for 6 hours to get Tylenol with codeine".
  21. Did you ever go through life and not know something that everyone else knows? For some reason, you never learned it, but everyone else did? I never knew that the day after Thanksgiving was a big shopping day. I look at the Circuit City ad (3 years ago). I see a great price on a 19 inch TVs ($69) and 32 inch TVs ($299). I look in the ad to see what time they're open. I see they open at 7:00 AM. I think "Great, I don't have to work, I'll go really early!" I leave my house at 6:45AM and pass a Walmart with a full parking lot (still dark). I am thinking "they must be doing inventory or something". I drive to Circuit City and I see this massive line. I want the 32 inch TV, so I stand in line. TV crews are interviewing people. Radio stations are passing out coffee and doughnuts. After 5 minutes in line, I look behind me and see the line's length has doubled. They open the doors and it's like Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman trying to claim land at the end of "Far and Away". I refuse to run. I say to myself that I will not run like a crazed idiot. People are banging into me- hard. I tighten my elbows in my side (like I am doing curls) and continue to walk into the store and wham! This lady, about 50, runs into my elbow and she got it bad. If you ever hit a hardball on the sweetspot, well, this lady got it good and I hardly felt a thing. She goes down hard. I helped her up and she was hurting, but she continued running into the store. I walk in and go wait in a long line at the TV section. (I later learned I should have gone to any department in the store that wasn't busy, they could have rung me up). I finally get to the cashier and the store announces they are out of 19 inch TV's. They had only 24 of them and they were out in literally 3 minutes. Riots were starting to form. Grown men and women were bitching to managers..."bait and switch! bait and switch!". A high school kid who worked at Circuit City took over and calmed the crowd down. People left swearing their head off, but no violence occurred. This high school kid really took control of the situation. I thought I was gonna see a fight. I find out they only had twelve 32 inch TV's and I got the eleventh one. I had to now get in line to pick up my merchandise with 30 people ahead of me, but thats another story. I learned one thing: Avoid Black Friday shopping at all costs. It is a shopper's fantasy football draft day. Except there's thousands of em in one place. Never again.
  22. So, you are against the minimum wage?
  23. Haha... for some reason you choose to defend T.O. Okay, fine... you bring up quotes like the first paragraph (above). Do you have a link? You memory is extremely selective. As for McNabb being a spoiled child and not T.O., now I know you are just a flamer. OK, you had me going. Good one. Haha. I thought you were serious until that comment. Ya got me, I fell for it.
  24. At halftime Gary Barnett, Colorado coach, was being interviewed by some reporter when he says Nebraska insulted his team by going to the no huddle against them. The TV announcer later said Barnett meant it was an insult because that's what Colorado does to visiting teams (because they have the advantage of high altitude breathing). SO in essence he was saying that Nebraska was disrespecting his team because they had the audacity to go no huddle when only Colorado had the right to go no huddle. There's an old basketball saying, "a team that presses never likes to be pressed". But when Pitino's bb teams themselves get pressed, he doesn't whine. Gary Barnett has lost any respect I still had for him. What a crybaby. Colorado football is in shambles because of him.
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