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Everything posted by DFITZ1

  1. Great comments. Seems the consensus is that the Jets FO handled their QB situation the worse. Of course neither FO deserves accolades. It seems the Jets handled the situationt more like the Marx brothers than the Rooney brothers, and the Bills simply did nothing meaningful, basically guilty of ignorance. You almost long for the days of Flutie vs Johnson.
  2. The Jets fans I know have had it with Ryan and Sanchez. Ryan might be the problem more than Sanchez. If Ryan lost the team with this latest move, he may be done. Sanchez is looking like a QB that is good, but the NFL collectively caught up with him (except Wannstedt) and the Jets brass has no answer.
  3. The only one who might have a chance is TJ, but he was never given a chance. I can't believe what a raw deal he got (at least paid well). However, I don't think anyone is calling him a future franchise QB. The Jets problem now is they have only 1 QB (the other 2 are lame ducks) unless they dump Ryan at years end and start fresh. More like Less Filling or Tastes Bad.
  4. Then again, I think Thigpen had a horrible pre-season, too. Then again, has he done anything where he was actually good?
  5. The Bills and Jets front offices should win the emmy for Best Comedy Series with the way they handled their QB situations. The Bills overpaid a career back-up, cut a competent but maturity challenged back-up (Vince Young) late in training camp and then traded for a high priced back-up that they neither trained nor used (Tavaris Jackson), and still kept Thigpen as #2, didn't use him, and may be worse than Fitz, Vince and TJ. The Jets trade for a QB that they use mostly as a decoy and media attention, and perhaps an avenue to the almighty when mortal intelligence (Rex Ryan) fails. Sanchez gets pissed, Tebow gets pissed, and somehow McElroy is the QB of the future (Mayan calendar only). Unless McElroy is the next coming of Tom Brady (aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!, I can't stand saying that!), both the Bills and Jets share the Emmy, but no Lombardi (not even a Guy Lombardo for an Auld Lang Syne to these folks.) So, whose the worst?
  6. Carroll was upholding the value of the NFL product in Canada. The Bills certainly don't. Canadian Curtoms should revoke the Bills passports, and US Customs should not allow Gailey, Wannstadt or Fitz back in the country without paying an excise tax.
  7. Let's Get Drunk and Screw - Jimmy Buffet (He@@, it's the best way to get your mind off the game)
  8. 41, and had most of my hair and none of it grey.
  9. Not enough big play makers. Stopping the Colts on 3rd and 17 instead of leaving a receiver open 25 yards downfield. Colts scored a TD after that. Top players have to make plays on pivotal plays. Ours don't.
  10. We don't have big play players. We can make a great looking stat sheet, but on pivotal plays, we usually use. In terms of points allowed, the D did OK today, but when we needed a big 3rd down stop at the end of the game, they didn't come thru including a critical PI penalty.On the Colts lone offensive TD, on 3rd and 17 we left a receiver open 25 yards downfield. This game was won by the team that could make the most clutch plays, and that goes to the Colts.
  11. Not enough. Also, does anyone know whty Chan Gailey did not call a time out before the 2 miniute warnomg? He basically gave a pime out away. Lucky for him, the D didn't make the clutch play to get the ball back.
  12. Maybe he can get the Bulls back to a bowl game before the Bills get back to a playoff game.
  13. Too bad UB got off to a rough start this year. Great to see the Bulls hold up the pride of WNY at the Razor.
  14. Beating the Fish is still important, but I think the Pats have risen to the Bills public enemy#1. I used to root for whoever was playing Miami, including NE and the NYJ. Now I root for the Fish to beat either of those two teams, especially to see Rex Ryan and BB sulk over why they deserved to win but didn't. Of course, If the Bills and Fish get the equivalents of Levy-Shula, Kelly-Marino, Clayton-Reed, Taylor-Smith, it'll be like the old "tear down the goal post" days.
  15. I wonder how many RWS critics (even with valid criticism) remember the process of getting the stadium built. RWS was the last option, hip-pocket alternative after the very politically and patronage movitated debate and eventual voting down of a domed stadium had occurred. RWS was what RW envisioned all along, a large, low cost stadium on a cheap piece of land in the suburbs. As the last 40 years have played out, it was the right thing to do (odd for any major decision in Erie County). Most of the new stadiums from the 70's have been torn down because they were not conducive to modification to the basics of modern day stadiums (aka corporate boxes). RWS being large and football only made it possible, both in engineering and economics, to modify. Had a domed stadium been built instead. the Bills may have left 15 years ago like Cleveland or county taxes would be thru the stratasphere paying for a new stadium used only 10 times a year. One reason RWS was built so cheap (and fast) is having the lower level built into a bowl, hence eliminating the need for a lot of support structure. Unfortunately, that meant there would be one concourse where normally there would be 2. Compared to WMS, it was still an improvement. Speaking of WMS, it did have one advantage for some fans, a roof. There were a couple games played in downpours where I stayed dry because my seat was under that roof. Not so lucky for those on the scoreboard side (see my avatar). As for creature comforts, I'm with the OP on this. I do need the team and league going out of there way to cushion, feed or weatherize me. Like any fan, I'll handle that myself. For those that need it, move to Dallas and try to buy a ticket (without taking out a loan). In Buffalo, the team is responsible for your enetrtainment on the field, the fans make (or break) the experience off the field. BTW - do you know Erie County taxpayers paid for 2 stadiums but only got one? That's right, they paid for RWS AND had to pay the lawsuit against the County by the contractors who had a deal to build the domed stadium. That lawsuit exceeded the cost of RWS. The taxpayers got screwed while the real criminals walked.
  16. I agree you can't totally blame Fitz for this loss. However, top money franchise QB's MAKE CLUTCH PLAYS. Once again, he didn't. And not being a downfield threat limits the offense. As for the defense, it is our number 1 achilles heal. Fitz, Cj, Frddie, Stevie and the gang must put up 28+ points to keep up with their ineptitude. That;'s insane - your O scores over 30 points, you should win.
  17. I agree that Fred and CJ should be starting and on the field together for most offensive series. I still remember the Kiick-Csonka, Harris-Bleier, and yes Simpson-Braxton (besides being an excellent blocking FB, the late-great Bubba Braxton was a fine runner who could make plays. Both CJ and Fred can run pass routes, certainly both can run, and who knows - perhaps they can throw a ball downfield 30 yards plus more accurate than Fitzpatrick. Smart coaches put their best players on the field and mold their game plan around them. Gailey isn't doing that enough. He's starting to remind me more of John Rauch and how he misused OJ.
  18. I loathe for the day when our coaches play smart and not scared. In that game we were with out OJ and I bet the backups got more than 12 carries combined.
  19. When the old NBA Buffalo Braves left for the left coast to become the Clippers, I rooted for them - TO LOSE! I didn't follow the NBA that much once they left. As for the Clippers, I wished on them (and still do) endless mediocrity. They pretty much delivered though last year they looked more like the mid-70's Braves with McAdoo-Smith-Ernie D (look'em up if you don't know'em). Hopefully they will be mediocre again.
  20. Exactly, playing scared and conservative does not win big games. I understand going for one when it was 28-26 (then 28-27), but when we went ahead 33-28, both a missed 2 pointer or a one pointer puts the Titans in a position to take the lead on a touchdown. A 2 pointer made is the only reasonable assurance of having a tie should there be an unanswered Titan TD. Plus, if Gailey is so confident in FitzP, he should've had no problem going for 2. If he didn't have confidence in FitzP to get 2, then why doesn't he have a viable #2 QB. Poor coaching and strategizing all around. The best course of action this bye week is for Gailey and Wannie to go. Heck, get Scotty Bowman to fill in.
  21. Man, that sounds a lot like me! (see bold in the quotes, if you haven't already) Chan's late game play calling is starting to resemble Dick Jauron's (remember the JP fumble that gave a win to the Jets).
  22. Well, your plan failed as well as Chan's. Assuming success 100% of the time is a recipe for failure. Also, if Tenn hadn't been stopping the Bills all game, then a 2 point conversion should have been easy by your analysis, and should have been tried. When we scored to be behind 28-27, I was OK with going for 1, after the go-ahead TD, I knew it would be a mistake given the porous nature of our defense. Missing a 2 pointer, or making a 1 pointer would have the same effect following a Tenn TD, the Bills falling behind, and as we saw, lose.
  23. Buy a calculator! When we scored the go ahead TD. we were down by 5, score on a 2 pointer, a Titan TD usually would be a tie. Kick the 1 pointer, Titans down by 6 and a TD means they likely go head. Miss a 2 pointer, or make a one pointer has the same effect that late in the game. Chan has consistently made poor calls at critical stages. Last week he lucked out. This week, he sunk us. Time for him to go and take Wanne with him. Does Georgia Tech want him back?
  24. The D cannot make a clutch play, as seen by all the 3rd and long conversions allowed, not to mention the losing TD which was on 4th down.
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