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Everything posted by DFITZ1

  1. Without improving the O-line, upgrading QB won't matter. The Bills have been thru QB's at a faster rate than coaches since Kelly retired. Trent is not Kelly, but he's had better games than JP, Collins, and RJ. Only Flutie and Bledsoe have had reasonable effectiveness at QB but neither could sustain it, and one reason was they didn't have an O-line that could deliver a consistent running game. Lynch and Jackson are an excellent tandem, but they resemble OJ in the pre-Saban years (no outside blocking support, no holes up front). Fix the o-line, and the running game and QB improve with it.
  2. I agree with C and TE, though perhaps guard, depending on talent. Duke Preston should be cut by New Years for his blunder today. I've been saying for 8-9 years that the o-line must be improved before this team dominates again. If you can't score, you can't win, and the o-line, more than any other factor is the reason we can't score. The 3rd and 1 failures over the last 8 years are appalling.
  3. A collegue at work whose brother does business with teh Patriots told me that BB coaches for situations and has his team prepared for whatever situation they might face. It's no surprise that he has a plan for windy conditions. BB would never had tried a 47 yd FG. Jauron couldn't carry BB's clipboard. It kills me that the Pats outcoach and outwit us more than outplay us. The end of half fiasco defines the difference between DJ and BB. Wilson should've fired Jauron at halftime and had either Lindy Ruff or Turner Gill come out to coach teh 2nd half. Also, without Duke Preston. For his scuffle, he should've had a Mike Singletary -ish chewin' out and publicly humiliated. DJ lets all this slide. No wonder the players love him. Do the players also love being 7-9?
  4. You mean attempted a pass INTO tehy wind. This coaching staff has publicly humiliated every Bills fan (again).
  5. That last series defined why Jauron should go. Clock Management and play calling that would baffle PeeWee coaches. This guy is an embarrassment to Buffalo sports.
  6. It was a good video. IT's true that the American public fell back into the gas guzzling SUV's and Trucks, but the foreign makers have always reacted faster to a changes in the market than the big 3. One comment I would add to Cotter's comments, is if responsible American taxpayers have to bail out irresponsible financial institutions, someone (and several, actually) should be going to jail or have civil action brought against them. Unfortunately, I think that is unlikely.
  7. Agreed. The US Automakers didn't learn their lesson from the late 70's- early 80's. Since the 80's, they put their technology into minivans and SUV's, and were not ready for another oil crisis.
  8. And Pacman Jones can be in charge of refreshments.
  9. Agreed. That's what the Bills did during the Donahoe "Reign of Error", with the exception of megabust OL Williams. Drafting McGahee while we still had Travis Henry didn't pay off, and that could've been a respectable lineman on either side of the ball. Going back to th OJ days, it wasn't until Lou Saban started bringing in top linemen that teh Juice became a force. Before '72, OJ looked like a bust, but really he was outrunning his overweight and slow linemen.
  10. They need to start over. New coaches, but more importantly, better player personnel. They have had so many high draft choices that they should be could by now, but its they're the same old Lions. They tend to stick too long with personnel that don't fit or under-perform. Culpepper may not be a bad QB to build around for a couple years, but they should be building stronger defense and offensive lines. Once they have a competent QB, start rebuilding the trenches. I've always felt that the team that controls the trenches controls the game.
  11. That could work. The NFL should enlist Emmitt Smith, Jason Taylor, and Warren Sapp and any other NFL "Dancing with The Stars" alum to wirte the rule, or perhaps be game day "sack dance" judges.
  12. I saw it one of the Bills books that have been out recently. I'm not sure if it was Levy's or Taskers, but I remember something was said to Thurman after his first touchdown. The players who react best are hockey goalies. After a great save they just pick up the puck and give to the ref like its all in a days work. No flashin' around.
  13. Here in leads to another HC gaffe. What HC in his right mind starts a player recovering from a sprained knee (McGee), watches him get burned for a bazillion yards, yet doesn't pull him in favor of a developing but healthy DB (McKelvin) or even a reserve WR. Dick Jauron! Hence, why we lost to the fish. Seeing that McGee can cover primary receivers when healthy leads to that being one of Jauron's dumbest moves. Back to QB. I find it hard to believe that Edwards could be so different, even in attitude, from before the bye week to after. I'm still convinced that there were lingering effects from his concussion, and Jauron (or his staff) should have noticed them. Edwards might have needed another week to rid himself of all the cobwebs. He's not reacting to pressure the way he used to and that is a sign of post-concusion syndrome. Heck, some players are out for several weeks after a concussion (I'm thinking more of Tim Connolly and Pat LaFontaine on teh Sabres). It gets me how quickly the fans and press have turned on Edwards.
  14. The NFL schedulers should read this board to pick the T-day games. They might have a better chance of getting a good one. If not, we can at least blame ourselves and use up billions of bytes analyzing ourselves.
  15. Agreed. I think we have the talent to make teh playoffs, but it's the HC and game day leadership that is lacking. The bungling of the last drive against Cleveland and teh heartless performance at NE are all indicative of a HC problem.
  16. It would've been better to see reruns of Emmit Smith on "dancing with the Stars" than to see that sack dance.
  17. How is CNN so sure that Buffala/Rochester will be the most effected. When GM announced plant closings back in teh 80's, Buffalo fared OK, largely (I believe) because the Engine Plant was one of the more efficient. If that plant still has a reputation for quality and productivity, it has a strong chance to survive. I had a colleague in Cinci tell me how, at that time, GM couldn't wait to close teh Norwood, OH plant because of low productivity and numerous worker issues. The plants that produce quality parts on time should survive. Here's another issue, is WNY going to do anything to attract foreign automakers to teh area. The foreign makers are here to stay and if Buffalo gets their plants, there's a place for displaced autoworkers other than down south. It's a tough anecdote but its the real world. The other problem is Albany and teh NTS Legislature. NY is so business unfirendly that it takes a deal with the Legislature for any plant to be brought to NYS. Unless teh Senate Majority leader is in your region, you're screwed. Albany-Saratoga got loads of business development because its in or near the district of now former SML Joe Bruno. The SML is now from Long Island, and guess where the business development bucks will go now (despite what they say to the press).
  18. Holmgren would also want mucho dollars. Probably more than the Bills could afford (unless we start spending the Toronto Series profits). Teams with low revenues usually have to squeeze the front office and coaching staff since they can't outbid teh high revenue teams for coaches or staff. When Gregg Williams got hired as DC for the "Skins, he was making more money than as Bills HC where he was just fired.
  19. Some of that is DJ, but also Marv Levy instilling his type of player. Of course, Marshawn Lynch's hit and run last summer was a disciplinary issue in the sense of how it was handled publicly (rather than legally).
  20. Perhaps its time for the Thanksgiving Games to rotate. Perhaps schedule rematches with division or wild card games from teh previous year. The Lions being mauled will never be a worthy T-day tradition.
  21. I bailed out at 34-9. I was hoping for some excitement but it wasn't to be. Now my daughter is watching The Sound of Music, which is better than the Jonas Brothers.
  22. You couldn't say it any better. I always liked Barry Sanders and Thurman Thomas after a 1st down or scoring run, they acted like they meant to do it. TT celebrated after his first ever TD and Levy told him (with a smile, of course) to act like he's been their before. And he did just that. This reminds me of Lee Trevino reacting to gallery cheers and applause after hitting a hole-in-one. He just smiled and shrugged and said (I paraphrase), "Hey, that's where I was aiming!"
  23. Dyxlexia momentary. It 24-9 was.
  24. The lesson's been taught many times. Rest teh starters, or play them sparingly (1st quarter only), and have them ready for next week. Don't let sentimentality cloud wise judgement.
  25. The int in the end zone might keep me watching into the 4th quarter.
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