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N.Y. Orangeman

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Everything posted by N.Y. Orangeman

  1. 4 Words: Quarterback of the Future
  2. Do you think he really knew where Mecca was when he made the comment? I say it is about 50-50.
  3. Along the lines of fans, I'd like to nominate this guy to be immortalized...May we all be this loved when our time comes..
  4. NFL = George Halas CFB=Archie Griffin MLB = Willie Mays NBA = Michael Jordan CB=John Wooden NHL = Herb Brooks (difficult choice for US player) Tennis = Arthur Ashe. Golf = Jack Nicklaus Wrestling (NCAA/Olympic) = Dan Gable. Track and Field = Jesse Owens. Swimming = Mark Spitz. No NASCAR driver deserves to be on this mountain, but you could launch one of their cars off the mountain at the grand opening if you needed to be inclusive..
  5. I thought there was a report last week that he had a subpar workout. I may be wrong..
  6. Eh..Thanks. Have a good night..
  7. I thought it deserved its own thread.
  8. My point is your judicial activism isn't necessarily the definition that others give to it. For example, I'm guessing many Conservatives don't view the Bush-Gore decision as activism, whereas some Liberals do. That's all I'm saying..no disrespect intended towards you at all. I just hate the way people throw around labels and use them as dialogue-ending insults.
  9. For Pete's sake, I just saw Rehnquist was staying on and hit the button. Talk about trivial..
  10. Rehnquist to stay on the bench I love the old guy's spirit. Good for you, Mr. CJ.
  11. LOL... Rehnquist just announced he won't be stepping down.
  12. "Re-define?" That's a matter of perspective. I'm sure the Justices who Conservatives claim are activists (among others) have a very different spin on what they were doing. Besides, Liberals are entitled to their definition of activism, just as the Conservatives are, aren't they? Afterall, it is a free country This activist tag is nothing but bull**it used by those in the media to escape from thoroughly examining decisions and the respective reasoning behind them.
  13. The validity of the assumptions and conclusions can certainly be debated. What I was happy to see is that someone attempted to articulate and quantify a defintion of activism, as opposed to those who throw around the BS activist tag as a slag on certain jurists.
  14. Rich, I've read your posts and while I disagree with you in some instances, you're posts are usually provocative and well-reasoned. That being said, we both know that the very little is simple or clear with respect to constitutional law. Even within the basic divide, there are several subsets that can play off each other.
  15. I couldn't agree with you more. We should be so luck to have a court with Scalia (who, while I don't agree with him, is brilliant) in one corner, Sunstein in another, and Posner floating out there in space .
  16. Excuse me, but I am a member of a Bar, just as you are. Conservatives don't have a monopoly on judicial theory.
  17. Hmmm...if these figures hold water, it does pose some problems for those Conservatives throwing around the term "activist."
  18. There are very few people, Republican/Democrat, Conservative/Liberal who approve of legislating from the bench. That being said, I'm glad many of our courts and the SC are willing to knock down legislation that is unconstitutional. What most partisans fail to realize is that the conservative wing of the court has knocked down more legislation of late than the liberal wing has. I guess being an "activist" isn't necessarily at odds with being a conservative.
  19. "Normal judicial action?" That's an interesting phrase..
  20. Eye to Eye with the Blind Man Res ipsa loquitur ("the thing speaks for itself") I can't wait for his race..and I'm a Republican (albeit, a liberal one who is hanging onto the party by a thread).
  21. There is no comparison between Crosby and the Tin Man, though.
  22. Heineken and the number is three.
  23. Darin, I'm counting on you to keep me posted on the paternity suit angle to this story. Poor bastard!
  24. My mistake. That being said, I stand by the headcheese for governor ticket http://www.creemmagazine.com/BeatGoesOn/Te...ishment002.html
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