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N.Y. Orangeman

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Everything posted by N.Y. Orangeman

  1. Glad to hear you are ok....now, please post the video.
  2. Can we just address the point at hand: what role did the flying spaghetti monster play in the extinciton of the pirates?
  3. Pot meet kettle..
  4. Nick is really from the Bretagne region of France.
  5. Great report. Someone needs to pull a Tonya Harding on Stamer if he's going to pull these kinds of stunts. Hey Stamer, you are a STer; know your role and stay away from the starting QB...dumb*&&
  6. Wow. Just imagine what you could have accomplished...
  7. Aside from the obvious expenditures (defense, etc.), I can't think a better way to spend tax dollars than on research. It is next to impossible to separate the developments that corporations have made from basic research that enabled it, much of which was supported by these programs.
  8. RtDB isn't from Carthage and wasn't just on a trip to DC.
  9. The Danes should be thankful the Canadians only want the Hans Island. Turtles...
  10. Here's hoping it is ANA.
  11. IF it is MTL, conspiracy theorists will go nuts..
  12. Great Dane/Doberman by the looks of his picture.
  13. Amen...oops....I mean... I agree.
  14. Here is an interesting read that may give some insight into Roberts. It is from an interview in 1997: Panel Interview-Newshour
  15. We could take this a number of different directions, from when life actually begins to a discussion in personal liberties. I suspect it wouldn't accomplish much. Stupid? Not at all, though you are entitled to your opinion.
  16. His cases and clients are all over the board and aren't easy to pin down. For example, he handled the Microsoft appeal for the states.
  17. That has absolutely no bearing on the situation whatsoever. This is just speculation. The investigation is ongoing.
  18. What's the deal on Eddie Van Halen? I've never heard this one before. I thought he was from California.
  19. How could anyone possibly know? Unless you have a seat in the grand jury that has been convened, you don't know. This needs to play out before anyone, left or right, can say anything definitively.
  20. He grew up in Indiana.
  21. He made other comments to the effect that Roe was the law of the land in his confirmation hearing. Besides, this is an old-school conservative who'll honor stare decisis; he isn't the cultural conservative that will rock the boat. I put little stock in the brief; IMO, he was zealously representing his client. This is the kind of lawyer the bench needs.
  22. I absolutely love this pick. Solid choice...from a moderate's point of view. Very bright and isn't a zealot. Roe v. Wade is safe.
  23. TD was pulling the kid under the water..
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