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N.Y. Orangeman

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Everything posted by N.Y. Orangeman

  1. I agree completely. This is a bureucratic issue; not a political one.
  2. Here, here on the RICO comment! That's a great subject for another day a time on the PPP.
  3. Ok. I stand corrected on the distinction between CC. Still, doesn't this sound a bit odd that no one at FEMA knew of this situation for this protracted amount of time? I can't accept a plea of ignorance in this instance.
  4. First time you've corrected me, but who is counting . I stand corrected on the convention center distinction. This is the article I'm citing: Federal Emergency Management Director Michael Brown told CNN that federal officials were unaware of the crowds at the convention center until Thursday, despite the fact that city officials had been telling people for days to gather there http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/09/02/katrina.impact/index.html Either way, aren't we splitting hairs?
  5. NO gov't shares the blame, but I would imagine that FEMA would also want those who could not leave to gather at a site of this nature. NO had the basic necessities there prior to and during the storm. It all went to hell in there thereafter, when FEMA should have responded. What did we get instead? The Head of FEMA acknowledging that he was unaware that thousands of people were cobbled together at the largest public building in the city.
  6. Prayers and thoughts are with you.
  7. No one deserves a pass on this one. Are you defending FEMA as an agency or as an agency in the Bush government? Just curious.
  8. Though I'm not an expert on this (as is no one I've seen post on this to date), it would seem this is where FEMA and the LA gov't would step in, doesn't it? This clearly doesn't seem to be a function for the city, does it? I mean, how out of the loop do you really have to be to be unaware that people were mobilizing at the Dome for the last week?
  9. Why do this? It is so much easier to play MMQB and berate these people on a message board as stupid, lazy and for failing to have enough money to leave the city. (obviously, this isn't directed towards you)
  10. Theoretically, wouldn't you want people massed for evacuation in one central, relatively-safe spot, as opposed to being strewn across the city? Christ, they started to announce this on Saturday if I am not mistaken. He obviously dropped the ball in certain areas, but there is no blame to be had on moving people there in my book.
  11. Would this happen before the Niagara River flowed with blood or after the locusts?
  12. While I admire those on the ground who are helping the situation, I have absolutley no problems with the press challenging FEMA and LA/NO goverment officials. While massive operations take time, there is no excuse for the head of FEMA to be ignorant of the large masses that were gathering at the Superdome. These victims (those who couldn't leave the city) deserve much better than this.
  13. Service is great, food is very overrated (but good) and does anyone else think it is the gaudiest place on the face of the earth?
  14. [silent post for the death of reason and civility]
  15. Not a huge need and he'd cost a fortune. Better to spend the money on NC.
  16. Hey bud. PM me if you need an ear (corporate atty). One piece of advice: until you make a final decision, keep hitting the books.
  17. I think you deleted the part of the email concerning the Nigerian man who is seeking assistance in unlocking his $100m fortune.
  18. That's just embarassing. When your promotional tour includes a stop at Wal-Mart, it is time to pack it in..
  19. Hmm... Brutal Dictator or traditional Islamic law? You pick...
  20. Certainly am. Apologies; wasn't any kind of a crack directed at you. The comment was more at the "friggin abortion" that is Retatta. That being said, you and your friend are now the only two known survivors of this concoction. Because of the rarity, we'd ask that you please write how you feel in a journal every six hours for the next week and publish the comments here. We need to study the effects of it over time; I suspect you'll become belligerent and incoherent within the next 2-3 days.
  21. Christ, even the elderly eat cat food..
  22. 75. Do not take her to a restaurant that serves fried noodles with pickle juice.
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