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N.Y. Orangeman

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Everything posted by N.Y. Orangeman

  1. So at least we can all now acknowledge the Flying Spaghetti Monster (www.venganza.org). These people are just embarassing..
  2. By back up, I mean back up and re-read your post. I'll concede Alaska isn't similarly-situated compared to the lower 48, but we could debate the projects/pork (bridges and beyond) that has headed to Alaska the last 5-7 years and the Constitution. Anyway, it seems struck a nerve (the rhetorical question and the CAPS tipped me off), so I'll respectfully back away from this subject.
  3. Back up, Darin. You are the one that compared the bridge project (which name escapes me) to the Golden Gate bridge and started throwing insults. There is a big difference in the two projects. Your taunts clearly put this on the table. In 2003, Alaska received $1.89 for every dollar it paid to the federal government. I don't need to visit what I'm sure is a lovely part of the country to understand that..
  4. It is tough to defend what Alaska receives in appropriations, isn't it? C'mon, at least you have to admit that Alaska receives an amount of federal expenditures that is, well, ridiculous. I guess you just have good representatives..
  5. You missed my point; in the eyes of the law, abortion isn't murder. I never stated my opinion.
  6. Sure is. And an abortion, in the eyes of the law, is not murder.
  7. Good point. I'd start with all of those people on the steps of the Supreme Court (both sides of the aisle). Let the questioning on stare decisis/super stare decisis, Griswold and unenumerated rights begin...
  8. Thank you. Two part question: I'd now like to turn your attention to another Please, if you will, discuss your impressions of the Griswold case and what you believe are its implications for unenumerated rights. Next, I'd kindly ask you to give your view on the proportional representation and how it relates to the equal protection clause....
  9. What is your view on substantative due process?
  10. I was only commenting on the fact that every time Bush is criticized, instead of making a point on the issue at hand, he brings up the Clinton administration. I have mixed emotions, both on a theoretical and a pragmatic, on the use of special prosecutors. What I will say is that perjury and obstruction of justice charges, regardless of their relationship to the charter of the prosecutor, should not be dismissed easily.
  11. Great...another Clinton reference. We didn't see that coming..
  12. If you can continue to bring up Bill and Hillary, shouldn't the left be allowed to drone on and on, much like you do in 2 out of every 3 posts, about Nixon and Watergate?
  13. IMHO, It isn't about the damage to Ms. Plame; it is about the damage to systems/people Ms. Plame worked for and with in her tenure, if any. That potential damage, while unknown, isn't overinflated IMO.
  14. Thoughful post, GG. That being said, I strongly disagree. In my opinion, an obstruction of justice charge is as significant, perhaps more significant, than the underlying charge, as it represents an allegation of a direct attack on the justice system.
  15. He'll probably stumble around the ring a few time, while falling back on his announcing career. The movie will end with him selling grills on infomercials.
  16. Meeting the minimum threshold, like having a pulse, doesn't necessarily make you qualified to be on the highest court in land. If he wanted to pick someone who has never been a judge or isn't a lawyer, fine. But to make this kind of pick, at least choose someone who is at the top of their field in another area. Miers has no qualities, other than being the President's lawyer, that make her worthy of a high court nomination.
  17. Terrible choice. Conservative, Liberal, I don't really care. She just doesn't have the qualifications to sit. Here is hoping the ABA dings her and other Senators fall in line. On a sidenote, here is an interesting note from confirmthem.com on a memo being circulated by her supporters: “As a leader of the bar, Harriet Miers was a fearless and very strong proponent of conservative legal views. She led a campaign to have the American Bar Association end its practice of supporting abortion-on-demand and taxpayer-funded abortions.” ** no representations as to accuracy.
  18. Fight songs only belong in CFB.
  19. Maybe you are just using the whiskey as an excuse and this is the real you...
  20. Yeah, this is the all-powerful Democratic legal machine shielding its murders, pimps and thieves, while launching attacks on good, god-fearing Republicans. By the way, expect a call from the IRS soon, Wacka You know, they watch this board
  21. Gotta love Toots. "Pressure Drop" is one of the mroe underrated songs IMO.
  22. Isn't possible that Williams would be doing the same thing if Bush was a Democrat? Not all criticism is rooted in partisanship.
  23. Yeah, Watergate was all about the liberal press and its muckraking tendencies...
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