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N.Y. Orangeman

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Everything posted by N.Y. Orangeman

  1. I could see it shaking out like this 2 NYJ - Bush 3. TEN- VY 4. NO - Hawk 5. GB - Davis 6. SF - Huff 7. Oak - ?
  2. C. Occurs every single time Michael Irvin opens his mouth.
  3. The Bills will end up with either Matt Leinhart or Ferguson.
  4. With the Bills being two years away from the playoffs, I just don't know how we could pass on him. Even with all of the holes and the three major needs, I still don't know if Marv could pass on a talent like this. Flame away...
  5. Probably off, but, if rumors are correct (yeah, I know...), Marv might be thinking about Cutler at #11 and is seeking OL help at #26.
  6. Yeah, stud tackles won't help improve the lines. Instead, let's take lesser-skilled linemen and accumulate more picks. Talent usually wins out over depth.
  7. 14th is likely too far too move down if we are interested in improving the lines.
  8. Beano says he'll win not two, but three Heismans...
  9. I'll be happy with any of the prospects so long as they weigh over 210 lbs.
  10. I speak from my personal knowledge as a graduate of UB that there are in fact easy majors at UB, ones that would be equivalent to the programs you cited above. I'd also take issue with you that the major issue holding UB back as a program is the fact that there are not any easy majors for the jocks. If someone told you that, I'd question their motives and submit it might be a case of scapegoating. Personally, I'd rather see them drop to I-AA in football and pick up a DI hockey team. Cheers
  11. I'd respectfully disagree with the premise that there aren't any easy majors at UB and also submit that UB's lack of success with its athletics programs has many larger issues than those related to university itself. I hope I'm wrong on its future prospects though.
  12. I'd have to respectfully disagree with you there, PTR. There are many better and more selective schools than UB that are able to recruit blue chip players, including Miami which has had success in the MAC and is ranked 66 in the US News rankings. Also, the last batch of football graduation rates had UB squarely in the middle. To answer your early question IMO, UB's facilities are not BCS caliber, the program lacks institutional and alumni support, WNY is more interested in , WNY does not have the talent to feed into a BCS program and, in general, UB adds very little to nothing to the Big East. If the Bills were to leave town, it would be my hope that Syracuse would be able to attract a very small percentage of fans wanting to see major D-1 football. Then again, I don' think that would be a given by any means.
  13. LewPort hit the nail on the head. Even taking a step back, if UB continues dropping BE teams from its schedule, it will be very unlikely to see additional games scheduled. In any event, UB will never be asked to join a major conference.
  14. If the Bills are dead-set on keeping Peters at RT, then I don't understand this draft.
  15. Out of curiousity, how many times have you actually seen him play?
  16. He certainly projects there. Also, MW is irrelevant as I' m sure you know.
  17. I'd rather stay where we are and take Justice and forget about the LT position for the next 10 years.
  18. I have absolutely no problem with what PK said.
  19. I don't believe we can trade down that far and still get him. There are several teams with a need at OT that draft immediately behind us. Besides, I have a feeling that after the USC Pro Day, his stock with rise. Just a hunch.
  20. I'd love to see Justice in Buffalo. He's an outstanding prospect who has been relatively hidden on the West Coast to the casual fan.
  21. Flag-wagging certainly isn't a solution, but it does help win elections unfortunately. Republicans have ridden this to death in the last 10 years and, as a result, have simultaneously cast themselves as the political embodiments of John Wayne, while casting the Democrats as skirt-wearing pansies who are anti-military. Until the perception is changed it doesn't matter what new domestic policy announcements the Dems come out with in the next few months. I'd ask you why would the Democrats give the Republicans anything to shoot at this early in the campaign cycle? Bush and Cheney approval numbers are brutal, the White House hasn't avoided any potholes it has come across in the last two years and the public is becoming increasingly disillusioned with the situation in Iraq. If you were in the Democrats shoes, why would you do anything but stay away and watch the Republican party imploded?
  22. Six months out from the elections? Not a chance. No reason to give the Republicans something at this early in the election year. Besides, my fellow Republicans should put one out first...
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