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N.Y. Orangeman

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Everything posted by N.Y. Orangeman

  1. Oh yeah., I forgot something. Make sure you read this weekly. **cough*** fictional account of Big Law Life
  2. Life sucks for a year.....where are you? Study hard but most importantly, make friends with upperclassmen. Their outlines can make your life much easier.
  3. He's got a point on some issues. As far as I know, the NFL is the only league that doesn't guarantee its contracts. Right or wrong (probably the latter), NFL players are the exception in this regard.
  4. Blind faith in Leinart, Cutler OR Losman is foolish at this stage.
  5. Based on what? Your opinion. Until either of them get the opportunity to play, the question is still very much hanging out there.
  6. Absolutely not. This kid is a winner (see last year's ND game) who managed a complex offense for three incredibly productive years. Until JP proves he is a legitimate starting QB or Leinhart falls flat on his face, the comparisons and "what-ifs" are valid IMO.
  7. Cheap bastards (you know who you are). I hope you all chew on spit next time you are out to dinner...
  8. Let's relax. It's part of his "culture." Way to set back the gay movement in order to protect your own tail, George.
  9. In five years, your thinking may very well change... Enjoy your 20s.
  10. www.debka.com DEBKAfile Exclusive: Syria placed its army on war preparedness, pointed Scuds at Israel from Thursday, July 20, the day Tehran took control of Lebanon War July 22, 2006, 12:27 PM (GMT+02:00) Our sources add Syrian fighter pilots are sitting in their cockpits. These orders went out from Syrian president Bashar Assad July 20 when Iran’s Revolutionary Guards commander Brig.-Gen Yahya Rahim Safavi (picture) assumed command of the Lebanon war from Hizballah leader Hassan Nasrallah. Tehran’s direct military intervention in the conflict was accompanied by an Iranian weapons airlift which began landing Wednesday, July 19, at the Abu Ad Duhur military airfield north of Homs. The deliveries include large quantities of new missiles, including the long-range Zelzal and Fajr 3 and Fajr 5 missiles, Katyusha rockets, anti-tank and anti-air missiles sent out from RG HQ in Bandar Abbas on the Persian Gulf. Assad acted on the assumption that Israel, whose air force and ground forces are already hammering the cross-border supply routes north of the Litani River to block the passage of Iranian hardware to Hizballah, will soon decide to go for Iranian military operations in Damascus and Abu Ad Duhur. Gen. Safavi has set up two forward command posts which coordinate war operations with Hizballah chief of staff Ibrahim Akil. One center is working out of a cellar of the Iranian embassy in Beirut to regulate Hizballah rocket fire against Israel and direct the groups of 3 or 4 RG officers taking part in every Hizballah face-to-face engagement with Israeli ground troops in the south. The second, housed in the basement of the Iranian embassy in Damascus, is in charge of communications, intelligence and getting hardware into Lebanon. The deliveries were made to the Abu Ad Duhur airfield because it belongs to the joint Iranian-Syrian Scud missile factory which employs a large number of Iranian engineers and technicians. DEBKAfile’s military sources report that some of the Iranian arms have Hizballah in Lebanon notwithstanding intense Israeli cutoff operations and their impact will probably be palpable in the coming days.
  11. Great post and I agree with everything 100%. If I could be so bold as to add one thought of my own: Most perplexing turn of events: Ruud Van Nistelroy being bench in the Netherlands' loss to Portugal.
  12. Sounds good to me. Can you imagine how crazy that would drive the rest of the world? I can't even fathom it.
  13. Agreed-what an enticing proposition. I just wonder if the timing works against us here. Would he be willing to take the US job this soon after stepping down? I'm sure his fellow countrymen would be apoplectic. This could be the biggest event Apologies for the slight hijack AZ, but listed below is a nice little article on how the US Team may shakeout for 2010. In any event, if there are more than 2 soccer-related threads around this forum at any one time, it seems to inflame the masses. Here's hoping Rossi is scorned by the Italians. US 2010
  14. Hope your right; I'd love to get a shot at him. eff character.
  15. Excellent...on to Argentina....should be a classic.
  16. They don't have the speed (especially in the defensive backfield) to match up against the top programs..yet.
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