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N.Y. Orangeman

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Everything posted by N.Y. Orangeman

  1. I don't know what is more disturbing: A. The rage that TD inspires; B. The verbal jihad against ESPN that the mention of Mort brings to the board; or C. The blind faith in an ex-coach turned GM espoused by fellow posters based upon (gasp) a .500 start.
  2. Extrapolate from this:Animal Face-off
  3. I couldn't agree more with you, Kelly. TD is significantly underrated and Marv is significantly overrated (to date) around this board.
  4. You deserve a three day ban for bringing up fertile octagenarians and the rule against perpetuities on TSW. Booo!
  5. 4/5 ain't bad...you were doing so well.
  6. 7-3 Game over.
  7. I'd be my house that if Cowher leaves Pittsburgh, it will be take over the NCST program, where he just built a $2.5m home. On a related note, if anyone hasn't seen this, it is not to be missed... hilarious spoof on NCST's Amato
  8. 1. Ohio State 2. Auburn 3. USC 4. West Virginia 5. Florida 6. Michigan 7. LSU 8. Louisville 9. Georgia 10. Texas
  9. Exactly. In an out of conference game, you always root for the conference. Great game by Michigan. I can't wait until we hand them their first loss...
  10. In a similar vein, we also shouldn't come up with potential excuses for and surrounding his actions. It is what it is..
  11. She's as dumb as a stump and left the law because she could only win with less than ethical tactics. She knows very little about the law and trial strategy, just enough to be dangerous. There is a special circle in hell awaiting her upon her demise.
  12. I'm not disputing the Montana peformance. What I am not convinced of is that Leinart is Montana reincarnate.
  13. Yeah, but I'm not sure it is relevant to the comparison. Here's hoping this argument ends this year..
  14. I guess we'll never know.
  15. Gracious post. IMO, Colt just looks like he needs some seasoning. I'd be surprised if he didn't build of this one. My prediction: big win against Oklahoma (two touchdowns or more). With three weeks of relatively easy games, he'll have a chance to rebuild his confidence. I hope they stick with him.
  16. I'll start your bail fund.
  17. Phil Simms should go play golf. I get such a headache listening to him
  18. I like our chances of stopping the run with Ross Homan in place of Kerr.
  19. I think the Bills should bring him in for a try out as a gift to TBD. This could provide fodder for at least a week..
  20. tOSU big: OSU 42 UT 21
  21. The difference is he could be (and probably is) a booster under NCAA guidelines. If that is the case and he has admitted to betting on the program, it opens a different can of worms than the Moss situation. I didn't hear the interview, but if he did reference or hint at betting on the program, yes, he is in fact, a dumbass. Edit: In fact, he is a booster. He gave UM's athletic program $250,000, its largest ever gift. Dumbass..
  22. Looks like they may be closing in on him www.wkbw.com
  23. Great list. If I may be sold bold as to add a #10: 10. Make friends with some upperclassmen. They will have incredible insights into grading/testing and will be able to assist you in preparing for the final. Also, as you'll soon see, outlines are a currency in law school. By befriending upperclassmen, you have a goldmine. Johnny/Bart-where are you guys in school?
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