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N.Y. Orangeman

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Everything posted by N.Y. Orangeman

  1. Agreed and I would add that his moralistic post on the thread he is criticizing is hysterical. "All of you have hit a new low....now let me hop into this and tell you why..."
  2. 90% of the people here didn't come down on Shady and are awaiting the results of the investigation, but if it makes you guys feel better about each other, go along with your narrative.
  3. I'm sorry, but most people here a) see a woman who was badly beaten and b) are awaiting the results of an investigation. You others can come off your high horses and stop moralizing about the evils of social media and how you don't trust the media in general.
  4. The account is still there, but is now private. https://www.instagram.com/miamor_i_adore/
  5. Honest question: how do we know when the picture was taken, as opposed to posted?
  6. In some jurisdictions, health care providers have a duty to report instances of potential domestic violence.
  7. https://gcfv.georgia.gov/sites/gcfv.georgia.gov/files/related_files/site_page/Medical Protocol for Intimate Partner Violence.pdf
  8. Alpha never did, but others referenced it.
  9. No. What I have said is that this woman looks to have been hurt pretty badly and the notion that someone faked/photoshopped this is bad IMO. I have no idea what happened, but the notion that nothing happened without an investigation occurring is ugly IMHO. I have no idea who did this, but I don't think people can assume it was photoshopped/faked without an investigation, just based on a biased media or eyeballing an injured woman.
  10. LOL..there is no one left there in the sports department anymore as far as I can tell.
  11. Or she caught a flight home? We don't know...
  12. Define "authentic"? Also, there is more than an allegation in that there is a picture of the purported victim? Is the allegation against Shady true? Who knows, but this is more than a mere allegation (unless some of the tinfoil hat theories on photoshopping and shape shifting are true). This woman appears to have been hurt pretty bad.
  13. It is, but there is also a picture of someone who really looks like they got the hell kicked out of them, as opposed to a he said/she said situation, which is what I think is missing around here.
  14. Correct. It makes it an allegation worth investigation that is ugly regardless of its veracity.
  15. I guess ESPN is fake news now as well... http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/24057461/lesean-mccoy-says-accusations-domestic-violence-child-abuse-completely-false
  16. Are you really saying this was photoshopped or not the same girl? I can say it is plausible that Shady didn't do this, but you completely lose me when you say it didn't happen without an investigation occurring and based solely on you eyeballing the pictures from your computer.
  17. Hey, I don't put you in that camp, but some are immediately chalking this up to photoshop, a vengeful breakup or some other tinfoil hat theory. I'm saying this is bad if it happened to the victim, regardless of who did it and as a Bills fan, we shouldn't be so quick to poke at the victim. As for the timing, sure, that is possible. It is also possible that given this story is two hours old, things could be very different than your offer in your theory.
  18. I have no idea what happened, other than this picture surfaced. It doesn't look good and I'm more concerned about the victim than Shady right now. That being said, do you realize how hard you had to twist yourself into a "Shady's innocent" conclusion, just two hours after the the picture was posted? I hope you are right
  19. I knew this was going there...
  20. Sure. And I hope your mom check's your internet history when she gets home from work.
  21. Victim; agree I don't see how the "photographer" gets paid unless she sells her story.
  22. How do you know they haven't been contacted yet?
  23. Fair, but how do you know the police haven't been contacted already?
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