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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. A select group defend us all. Thanks for those who have; who are; and who will. You all make US great!
  2. that would be awesome...
  3. NFL Action...."It's TRANS-TASTIC!"
  4. and....JP being selected in first round is not 'his fault' nor does it have anything to do with his work ethic good or bad. Your beef is with TD if you think he shouldn't have been selected there. everything else is conjecture. As above....I gave up on him too. Read above. that doesn't make him a horrible person.....which was my original point and I thought he did go beyond what most athletes do in trying to 'embrace' the populus. It clearly did not 'make him' a good qb....which is why i wanted him benched along with most.
  5. +1. Besides...my original point was never that he was a great QB. I just felt that his off the field public actions deserved a little personal respect....other than 'F JPL.' I said I was ready for him to be benched when he was. My point was never that he was an all pro. I thought he tried to do the right things publicly to support the city and it seemed (from my vantage point...which is very limited) that he tried to get better as a player. He unfortunately never developed. That does not become 'he was a bum in the film room' by default.
  6. I ain't got nothin, to do with nothin, that ain't about me. so..... I ain't got nothin --> "I do not have nothing" --> "I have everything" to do with nothin --> "to do with nothing" that ain't about me --> "that is not about me" revised: "I have everything to do...... with nothing ....that is not about me." so he's "responsible for nothing that is not explicitly related to him." i.e. "he owns only that which is about him." I probably lost the translation (there's a shocker given what we started with). Is there a confession in there somewhere? Grammar police? reminds me of Fletch....king of double speak.
  7. I've been with the show since day 1 and it completely rocks. I would echo the sentiments about 'grieving' the loss of it as well. It has become a weekly event in my house as well. As far as the quote above....you bet! I've learned more from the 'experts' on here than I ever would on my own. Thanks to all you guys for your time and insight. It really has made for an even better experience for those who take the time to 'absorb' what you put in writing every episode. thanks!
  8. To the first part, I would say...exactly. he 'ain't' a rocket scientist by all accounts. But that doesn't mean he didn't try. I think by most public accounts (coaches at the time; Jaws etc) he was putting forth effort. Again, I don't think any of us are in a position to know for sure. I can teach a 16 year old to drive a car safely and follow the rules of the road...but if we then take the velocity to 190mph he may 'crack.' We can take him to a race course and have him practice at steadily increasing velocity but it doesn't mean everyone will become a 'great race driver.' JP may have tried to get better....but he clearly kept 'crashing.' there is nothing 'soothing' about what he did. I just think the guy deserves a little credibility for at least trying to publicly prop up 'his' city. Even if he did it half heartedly....he did it. In any event, I appreciate the dialogue and we can agree to disagree.
  9. well said... and not the part about agreeing with me. Your 'breakdown' of JP (or any QB for that matter) is fair. He has to be able to adjust and failed to do so though the variables are many.
  10. ...so the time spent with Wyche and with Jaws (in the offseason) was just for giggles for him? Having said that, how do either you or I possibly KNOW how he prepared for games? I'm just saying he seemed to try to succeed on the field (but failed) and he certainly tried to improve the town he had adopted as his own.
  11. LOL!! "this i why you 'HATE' people like me"....I guess that's what you're saying. F this and F that...blah blah blah....I'm two....give me a diaper.....and on goes the rant. Can't anyone say anything on here without a witch hunt? agree...disagree....whatever. Just cool it with the two year old nonsense. I get more constructive criticism from my nine year old when he disagrees with me. As far as Bruce goes...yes I cheered like hell for him. What in the world does that have to do with JP trying to both be a good athlete (which it didn't work out) and be a supporter of Buffalo? I never said public service/support of the city was required (of Bruce or anyone else)....just admirable. If you read my first post it clearly says the on field results weren't there. I was ready for him to be benched when it happened. Would you honestly feel good about an athlete that took the opposite extreme? If CJ Spiller talked about Buffalo as "dump" and trashed the town in the media would you have the same respect for him? I know on the field results are the most important thing....but representing/respecting the town you play for means a little something in my book. If you disagree...fine. I'll retreat now and post again in few months.....you and your kind can verbally cannibalize each other in the interim.
  12. He embraced Buffalo a heck of a lot more than some other players we had....even went above and beyond in my opinion. And yes...that counts for something. Too bad the on the field product never materialized. I wish him well. He certainly gave it his best shot here in all phases.
  13. Cool Change. Little River Band.
  14. I'm probably repeating what everyone else has said....but what a bunch of horse crap this is. Thanks Tim. I thought it was pretty cool to have a journalist who actually seemed to give a crap about our team offer to provide us with a few 'cookies' from time to time. I believe your only request was a little courtesy. Too bad the stooges here couldn't comply. I don't know that I've ever seen a person in your position offer up a 'forum' free of charge. You were initially very active and seemed to clearly grow weary of the childishness over time. When folks were critical but polite you always provided an answer. the personal attacks on you, coworkers, and your employer were lame. thanks for being a sport and please understand there were many people here who thought what you were offering us was pretty damn cool!
  15. Mawae's opinion as well. He essentially called it collusion a week ago.
  16. "What IS that invention you're sitting on douchebag?"
  17. We get just a small piece of the puzzle sometimes.....Hang in there. The MOST important thing for you and Mrs. Ye is the health of the little one. Jobs will (truly) come and go. God bless.
  18. that's what makes it nauseating. I second the sentiments. Every time I see clips of those teams I get sick to my stomach. My entire childhood (save the brief run of Joe Ferguson's gang) was a disaster. I was ridiculed as a Bills fan. In my college years, they 'arrived' four years in a row..... I was convinced before they even played the Giants that they were destined not only to win...but to be the 'team of the 90's.' i.e. multiple super bowl wins. To lose four in a row is epic....unfortunately. having said that....I'm jacked up for the draft.
  19. I agree with the sentiment of most here....we have a "football player" who 'lacks' prototypical size but works his rear off and is a solid contributor. Why give that up? Mike Williams had "prototypical size" and we all know how that worked out. There is such a crapshoot in drafting/trading players and acquiring FA's. I firmly believe you hold onto what you know will work....even if 'she' isn't the prettiest girl on the block.
  20. Ah yes....Pilar...."A mammoth offensive tackle of epic proportions. The only thing preceding him IS his monstrous reputation. Based on his volume of work (which, although substantial, is often hard to nail down), he seems to be almost mystical in his dominance. A 'ghost' of sorts who has the skills to destroy opponents and vanish with equal ease. Unfortunately, he repeatedly disappears annually only to resurface near the ides of March. Potential for sure....but can any one NFL team harness this free spirit? Worth a mid round pick....but his agent is perpetually holding out for a better deal....."
  21. Per Draft guide.... "a bit mechanical in his approach. He is methodical in run blocking and has powerful piston like legs that resulted in multiple pancake blocks as a senior. In pass blocking, he has tremendous wingspan and curious claw like hands that allow him to maul pass rushers. His center of gravity is a bit questionable....almost top heavy in a c3po kind of way. His computer like brain, however, keeps him one step ahead of his opponents. A true warrior...he has been known to leave oil all over the field with no history of needing an in game re-boot. Sure fire first rounder....."
  22. We've shown up for 10 yrs of garbage. My guess is we'll do similarly at the gate this coming year. Believe me, I feel the 'pain' of your original post. I thought we would be more active than we've been but I think we are really going to have to take it on the chin in order to alter the philosophy and build slowly. Understanding we have been taking it on the chin all along..... Here's hoping the draft is a lottery for us.
  23. This is 'it' in a nutshell. I think we all are frustrated as we can be. The problem, however, cannot be fixed in a day/year. I KNOW we could go out and sign some help but we would likely overpay and handicap moves in coming years when we actually have a talent base (assuming the drafts go well). Unfortunately we are the Oakland A's of football. At least that's the model we hope to achieve. Shrewd drafting and a little luck.... and maybe you have a shot at the playoffs every few years. It may seem terrible to be a Bills fan but the Washington model hasn't worked very well either. We need to have a good FO that will work well with our owner (i.e. low budget relative to others). That means Buddy has to build this team slowly and mostly via drafting.......much to our frustration.
  24. ...cue the 'high motor' posts. Seriously though....I like the aggressiveness. Just claim that spot!
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