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Posts posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. What is it with sports columnists and their diva sensitivities these days? Would Oscar Madison get all prissy?


    I can't believe I just read this whole thread....and no one responds to the Oscar Madison reference? To answer your question....he wouldn't even be out of bed on time to do the 'chat' and he would only participate if he could use his typewriter. No internet for that guy.


    Great reference to a great show.


  2. South FL is the only place to be in the winter, the rest is denial.



    I hear you. I lived there for about five years. Winters are a dream.


    Had to laugh at your Pat Riley quote, however. Commitment....??? Seriously.


    The guy bailed on the heat after 'Zo got sick. He then 'got the itch to coach again' after the first Shaq/Wade season..and forced out long time assistant Stan Van Gundy (who had just took the team to the finals). He then 'retired' when that fell apart. Now he again is 'floating the idea' about coaching again given the potential blockbuster free agency season. Of course....he'll wait to see who they get before he decides if 'he truly wants to come back.' I used to be a fan but I think he's become completely lame with very clear motives.

  3. :) ay yay yay! What's with this wobble fixation? Not every pass is a laser beam. I don't care if a pass makes loop-de-loops if the receiver catches it.......




    .... in stride. Which is how both of these 'awful' passes ended. This reminds me of the underhand free throw argument. Who gives a flying poo as long as it 'counts.' I'm with PTR on this.

  4. Whatever you do, though, don't weigh in on Eric Wood's leg. We docs apprently don't know **** about that.


    Damn, I remember your thread. Was it really almost four years ago now? Good heavens, I'm getting old.


    On the awesome side, so is she. Great to hear! Must have been really hard at the beginning since you knew the tough road ahead. Makes every day special, though.


    I'll heed your advice on Wood. I remember that thread. I should have jumped in and supported you. :ph34r:


    "It" all started May 2007. Just over three years now.


    You're right. EVERY day is special.

  5. While the Ticket isn't an option for me, I like getting out to a bar on Sundays, to meet up with like-minded folks, to watch the Bills. Seeing them at home is cool, now and again, but it's good to get out of the house! :wallbash:


    I'd love to join you. I agree the atmosphere can be great but the cost exceeds what I'd 'pay' at home. In addition, the wife and 4 kids have strong opinions about me being gone most of the day to watch a game. At home, I have a bit more flexibility.....sort of like 'freedom in my own prison.' :ph34r:

  6. The only reason why I have DirecTV is because of the NFL Sunday Ticket! My wife allows me to get the ticket because she would never see me on Sundays otherwise. You want to look at the price in a different way.. look at this scenario. Imagine for $315 you have season tickets for any team in the league. You can still tailgate before the game. You can get up and get a beer or go to the bathroom at anytime. If you missed the play, you can simply you can hit the rewind button and watch it again. Don't get me wrong, if I lived in WNY, you would bet your butt that I would have Bills and Sabres season tickets. However, this is the next best thing and some ways it is better.


    I'm with you. I'll take 17 weeks of football at roughly 20 bucks/week. heck, I was spending 50 bucks a week 15 yrs ago sitting in a bar 'just to watch the game.' I take this deal anyday. At full price it seems a lot....but I'm a perpetual sucker for the Bills.

  7. It's probably in the archives if you can remember some of the more unique words that would have been used, I bet you can find it in a search.



    You need a wayback machine. This is not going to have all pages, so you may not find it here. But if you put twobillsdrive into the search, you will find quite a few pages saved throughout the years. If you look around the same timeframe as when you posted, you might find it.


    Wayback machine


    thanks to you both. I tried searching the site archives and the 'wayback machine' (which is very cool). The wayback machine found the "off the wall" page with the thread listed. When I tried to open it, however, the actual thread was "not archived."


    In searching the site archives, I found a huge gap between early 2007 to mid 2008. this, unfortunately, was the 'time' I needed. It was presumably part of the crash.


    thanks for a flash of hope. :ph34r:

  8. Could you imagine if one of the conservatives would of said this?

    It should be an outrage regardless of who said it. Same can be said for Harry Reid's comments about President Obama's 'ability to be elected' based on 'how he talked etc.' In this case, implying the President is 'packing heat' based on his race is preposterous. He is an educated man...extremely bright and would likely be insulted if presented with Maher's comments. I don't support his policies much...but he is still my President....for now.


    And what would you have Obama do? Ride in on his magic rainbow farting unicorn and wave a magic teleprompter?
    Give Lindsey Lohan a glass bowl and a lighter


    Two of the funniest things I've read in a while. Maybe it's your avatar affecting my brain...but those were funny.

  9. Despite ongoing challenges (and, really, who doesn't have ongoing challenges?), it sounds like you and your family are very close to weathering this storm. And remember, people who survive these types of experiences (even if it happens when they're young children) tend to be better people for it.

    You're dead on. we all truly have battles to face. Although it's hard to measure the impact on her own life at this stage (save the physical stuff), there is no question her story has impacted others. we are definitely a better family as a result.



    Situations like this bring to mind how essentially meaningless nearly all of the banter on this board really is. While we have fun it is nice to remember that behind each post is a person who faces challenges every day. May your daughter continue to recover and with time may her life be less challenging. Take care.

    thanks. the bolded part is so true. we forget that the avatars are just the tip of the iceberg. Real folks live behind them. I concur with the 'Count.' Your post (the bolded part in particular) is, perhaps, my favorite of all time here. Strong work!


    Great post BB. One of the best i have read in awhile, almost gave me goosebumps. Excellent job. <_<


    Heres to that :lol:



    That is really awesome! I remember what a fighter she was back then!

    Thanks....she certainly was and is. I, again, appreciate all the support I got here. If, by any chance, someone has a copy of my original thread, I'd love to get it. I doubt it ......but just thought I'd ask.

  10. I have to say...I had a bit of an 'epic' thread a few years ago when my 6 month old (at the time) daughter was dealing with every conceivable complication of open heart surgery. 90 days later we brought her home. that 'thread' unfortunately was lost with the server crash. Regardless of her 'individual' story, your point is completely valid. there is a lot of joking on this board, but Never with this type of thing. I recall with some genuine surprise (and appreciation) how comforting the support was...... especially considering how most of us are complete 'strangers.' I 'vented' in many directions at that time but this was one of them....and it served me well.



    I remember that. How is she doing?


    not wanting to hijack an important thread topic but to answer your question....


    quite well. She'll be four in November. Just had her third and hopefully last open heart in early April. Her cardiac status is now essentially normal. Considering where we came from that, in itself, is miraculous. Our 'challenge' going forward is dealing with the stroke she had after the first surgery. She has progressed from the point where her neurologists feared she was blind, deaf and perhaps permanently weak on her right side.....to now being quite normal in terms of her speech, vision and hearing. Her right arm weakness remains her biggest obstacle but nothing has plateaued as of yet. She walks quite well and runs with a slight limp. Her arm actually seems to affect her 'running' more than her leg as she does not have typical arm swing. Kids have phenomenal potential to recover from neurologic injuries and her stroke would have had far more permanent impact on an adult. We do, however, have hills to climb every day but she is the very definition of a 'fighter.' Beyond all that, she is a beautiful kid who we are Blessed to have every day.

  11. there's nothing but friendly ears on this board when it comes to this sort of thing.


    I have to say...I had a bit of an 'epic' thread a few years ago when my 6 month old (at the time) daughter was dealing with every conceivable complication of open heart surgery. 90 days later we brought her home. that 'thread' unfortunately was lost with the server crash. Regardless of her 'individual' story, your point is completely valid. there is a lot of joking on this board, but Never with this type of thing. I recall with some genuine surprise (and appreciation) how comforting the support was...... especially considering how most of us are complete 'strangers.' I 'vented' in many directions at that time but this was one of them....and it served me well.

  12. I will bet one year of deciding each others avatars that the Bills get lower than a 5th round pick in 2011 due to their record. This team is NOT in contention for the #1 pick unless they are decimated by injuries. JMO


    I'll bet they get a pick higher than the fifth round :wallbash: . Just sayin....but I know what you meant and I tend to agree.

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