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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. true this. he had a rating near 100 BEFORE the Baltimore game. Obviously, a long way to go....but it's been fun to watch him. I hope he becomes a late bloomer. One less problem for us.
  2. this was the most shocking part of the day for me. It's obviously a small sample size (one game) but the competition was theoretically the elite of the league. The line (not just the RT) did very well today.
  3. I have to agree with a lot of the above posters. We have had very poor drafting (scheme considerations or not) for the last decade. This has transcended several coaches and front office arrangements. The results, unfortunately, are predictably bad. That aside, I give you kudos. You started a thought provoking threat and kept the conversation civil while several tried to bait you. Good for you....even if I also disagree.
  4. so true. I love the contrast between players on our team. Fitz is serviceable and seems to know that. He 'celebrates' a late TD by clapping his hands together and the look on his face lets anyone watching know he realizes it is a garbage TD. He tried to run a DB over today and generally plays with some gusto. Granted, he is no long term answer....but you have to like that (effort) in anyone on your team....even if his potential is to become just a 'good backup.' Contrast that with Whitner. He 'celebrates' garbage tackles late in the game by 'stepping over' third string running backs like it means something. That guy is seriously disappointing. You can't knock Fitz...he is what he is....but at least he tries.
  5. well...this is a different Maybin article...but from jw's piece today: "It was the second penalty against Maybin this season, which means he has attracted more flags this year than generated sacks in his entire career." That's one of the funniest and saddest things I've ever read. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-bills-invisiblemaybin
  6. Sweet mother.... '85 was terrible.
  7. I certainly hope they don't cut their Wang....he might end up in Jacksonville with Trent.
  8. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross had no idea her analysis of grief would stoop so low........
  9. ...don't know what to say...how bout this.. "You've got to be stevestojaning me!" I seriously cannot make any sense of this. I don't think anyone on this board would have HONESTLY been surprised had he been cut recently. Now, we're extending him....
  10. You get champaign for your campaign...that song is hands down the best.
  11. Just what we need....a Drewish Princess.... spaceballs...
  12. More of a baseball guy....but it could translate
  13. ....that was hilariosterical. Seriously...it was funny.
  14. agreed....but it's not like Kelsay can cover either. I have to agree with the original poster. Just put him (maybin) out there and prove definitively that he blows and cut his rear after this year. Colossal error for the franchise. We should just get it over with.
  15. that was awful.... I literally had to keep looking away from the screen due to minimize the nausea/vertigo. The worst parts are when you can see the guy feeling around for a secure spot to hold onto before he moves up. That seems way too 'nonuniform' a process....and NO safety lines for most of it. NUTS. I'm gonna go throw up.
  16. I don't know if its the best 'by itself' but I'll take stevestojan. Simply because I will never be able to read that and not think of s#it. The 'filter' subbing his name was one of the funniest things I can remember. No offense to steve....just a funny gag.
  17. not to steal anyone's thunder and that's a great read but.... my (now 4 y/o) daughter was on a heart transplant list, had a very large stroke on ECMO at six months of age) and fought against every odd (pneumonia, sepsis, bowel obstruction, DIC, blood clots, stroke) to survive and ultimately keep her own heart (as weak as it was at the time). Three surgeries later her heart is doing OK. We have ongoing therapies for her stroke and the occasional seizure but she is a beautiful and generally healthy kid. I thank God every day for her and who she is. Some of you may remember when I 'spilled' a lot of this here a few years ago (2007) but the thread was lost. reading this story today literally brought tears to my eyes. Obviously, it hits home for me and the parallels are striking. God bless that kid and her family. Bottom line is how peaceful life is when we simply care for folks around us...and when we appreciate what we have.
  18. actually alternating QB's in not 'unheard of' in the NFL. Buddy Ryan even did it within the game with Randall C and Jaws. Cunningham's initial 'shot' in the league was as a 'third down specialist QB.' Not saying it's good....just that QB 'specialization' is not entirely new.
  19. The greatest Halloween ever....
  20. You might have it the other way around....Ralph seems to have 90 wearing a pair of cement shoes. SLOW...beyond belief. Very "Frankensteinish" in 'space' today.
  21. ....unless, of course, the caddy fails to 'notice' the poor quality of your grips....clearly causing the slice and subsequent 'release' of the club.
  22. get 'er done. http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&q=d...76&bih=1210
  23. ...that was funny (both the comment and, sadly, the performance...though I like the Who).
  24. you must have a 'vested' interest....just kidding. I have been on this site a lot and agree 1000%. it really is awesome and $3 a month is literally pennies a day.
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