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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. you're 'spelling errors' are a joke at times.....I hope this is just a different form of comedy for you. It certainly can't be serious.
  2. True...so the flipside should be that Moats becomes like Bruuuuuuce!!
  3. I agree. The O line far 'outplayed' him in the mess department. As I said above, I like Evans....but I can't think why a receiver in that position wouldn't even attempt to make a play. No excuse is going to satisfy me. The only ones that would 'make sense' are selfishness, being a wuss, and simply not caring........Just dive for the stupid ball.
  4. UR cleerly gud at ur kraft. I'll pull the hook out of my mouth now.
  5. First part....not sure. Apologies to the bringer of cable. ?Dazed from the game maybe....but CL was talking about Moats (based on avatar) when i viewed it....unless I'm really, really dazed.
  6. interseptions??? oviously??? Farve???? Would of???? I prefer not to be a grammar nazi but if you're gonna bust chops...get your own ducks in a row.....brother.
  7. I have to agree with Lori. I thought Moats came out like a madman today. very effective rushing the passer and showed some speed and power. Hopefully, he develops into what Maybin was suppose to be.
  8. If you're referencing the long ball Fitz threw into the endzone I agree. I like Lee....but dive for the ball.
  9. Phonetically...this is very good. It also conveys a clear message. "Throw the damn ball." I like it. This is just a great reference and pretty darn funny.
  10. ................................................................................................................. Now that I've finished laughing, I'll agree. Hilarious. Better question is how many folks are reading that and thinking what????
  11. Hope you're right...but he's shown me nothing to make me think this is possible. He has been active in the last five weeks (a little bit) but he's easy to miss. He looks like a gnat out there. Maybe he finds a niche role in his career but he is well on his way to not living up to his billing/draft slot. Not his fault but it stinks for us. Dude has way more 'healthy scratches' than good plays.
  12. No....the key word in the prior quote is credible. Unfortunately, many folks here refuse to even acknowledge that. I'm not saying he's a HOF'er, but the guy has put together more than a 'game or two' this year and people are starting to take notice. Sit back....enjoy....and hope it continues.
  13. we can dream. I hope you're right but I'd then prefer to avoid the Derrick Burrough's penalty against Cincy, Harmon's drop, the Bickering Bills and the Super Bowl failures. Having said all that it was a heck of a good run.
  14. It's rare that a lurker like me can post something original and I just scrolled through 2.5 pages of posts thinking about the pass you mentioned......only to find you had stole my thunder. I agree...if we are going to dissect every imperfection we need to give 'extra' credit for 'perfect passes' as well. Fitz threw a dart to Evans and the announcers commented that 'he threw it into a team meeting of Steelers.' At first view, it looked like it was nearly intercepted. On slo-mo review, the ball clearly fit in a tight window and only made contact with Evans' arm. It was about as perfect a pass as he could have thrown given the coverage. Very accurate. Big picture is that Fitz has surpassed everyone's expectations and deserves to start until something changes. I hope he has a great career for the Bills. What I cannot figure out is why so many hope for otherwise.
  15. in the words of Frosty the Snowman....... "Happy Birthday." Happy Thanksgiving to all.
  16. Me too. I was but a high school boy.... fun times.
  17. Qb's and RB's are important and help define coaches as noted. Gibbs is a good example of a great coach elevating a pedestrian qb or two. This shows the converse is true to some degree as far as 'elevating' the people around you. Bottom line, however, is missing in this thread. Show me a great team/super bowl winner with a 'pedestrian' offensive line. It doesn't happen. To cite the Gibbs reference, the "hoggs" made some great qb's and some great coaches. That component is a necessity.
  18. I like Buddy Nix and all....but the "Count" seems like a solid GM to me. I agree 100%. If we get that first pick and somebody wants it.. the Bills better take this type of approach.
  19. I'm with you Mike....you work with those folks and I'm a parent of one. I have four beautiful kids but one has significant health problems so sue me for being a bit sensitive. I'm not gonna get on a soap box here but I appreciate your comments and would hope others would be equally considerate. It's not all that 'tough' to pick on a disabled kid......and before you call me out for not allowing any 'jokes' go back and read some of those comments. If you use the perspective of a parent with a special needs kid.....I think you'll see there a bit harsh. Just my 2 pennies.
  20. I disagree. It's a leap of historic proportions to go from 1 win....to ZERO wins. Though I acknowledge the difference between 1,2,3 or 4 wins is meaningless.
  21. I'm not even in the original thread but i'll throw myself under the bus. I know i was hoping to see Brohm when Trent's ship sailed as "Fitz was nothing but a backup." I think I posted that somewhere and I know I thought it for a few weeks. Here's hoping Fitz makes me eat crow for a long time.
  22. Another way to look at this is to imagine how 'insane' this board would be if we drafted someone next year...... and they proceeded to put together a five game stretch like Fitz. I'm jacked that we have a guy who is slinging it all over and seems to get 'it.' I hope he can produce consistently. In addition, when is the last time you heard players talk this positively about 'their guy at qb?' He seems to have the respect of the entire locker room. Would anyone really be disappointed if we "lucked" (pun intended) into a good, productive QB? I'm all for it. His recent performance makes for an interesting evaluation the rest of the year.
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