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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. "Most famously, Tobergta admitted to an Oct. 24, 2002, incident in which he was charged with stealing a $30 plastic pumpkin and then having sex with it. A woman reported to police she saw him outside her home in the 2100 block of Freeman Avenue, humping the 4-foot, inflatable and illuminated pumpkin used as a Halloween decoration." That's all I have to say about that.
  2. Agreed. The disgusting part, however, wasn't the 7 cents. "Stewart and Ninham carried BB guns that looked like real pistols when they knocked a 73-year old man to the ground--Stewart punching him in the face--and took all the cash he had on him, prosecutors said. That amounted to 7 cents."
  3. Certainly, you boys could use a supervisor. BTW, I like the bust-ed title of the thread. My first thought, however, was boobsplosion.
  4. That is amazing to read. To think how we viewed those guys (at least initially) as the hope/future of the franchise to now seeing them on the Raider's garbage dump. I have to think of Python when I read this. I'll paraphrase: "Oh, what sad times are these when 'passing' ruffians like Chad Friehauf can shout Ne at bad quarterbacks."
  5. I'll 'third' that response. The picture is fantastic!
  6. Love the 'gusto' of your bet. My heart is with you....but if I'm a betting man, I'd play the other side. Hope you fold two Benjamins and put them in your wallet come December! Then tell me "I told you so." I'll never be so happy to hear it.
  7. Sorry. Bye bye Benjamin.
  8. thanks for posting that. Great story.
  9. It won't be number one...I've been asking that guy for a Bills Superbowl win for decades. Still waiting..........
  10. My first thought as well.
  11. I know it's a dead horse...but I just cannot believe we picked that guy. He's a wide receiver and we picked him to be a stud defender at the line of scrimmage/in the opposition's backfield. I cannot imagine Jauron doesn't 'see' what is going on with his former players. He has to be cringing a little....no?
  12. LOL! That was great! You robot making joke all funny time and secondly lessons for the language will occur evidently.
  13. I didn't see any of it so I have to ask. Did he do 'anything' other than his outside speed rush?
  14. Mead...as soon as I saw your reply I thought for sure it would be about wine.
  15. Your avatar is simultaneously funny and disturbing. Also very 'recognizable.' that's a good one.
  16. If you say so. We'll agree to disagree...and leave it at that.
  17. I wondered how long it would be.
  18. as I said the possibilities of this are endless. this was one example. If a one dimensional defender is off the ball on defense an NFL QB/coordinator is going to exploit it. We can argue semantics all day. I.e. where are your safeties? If they are cheating up to cover Jasper's 'slot' then one pump fake to the outside and Stevie has a corner one on one. Game on. If the corner plays way off, then I'll take the quick slant. Next. If the safeties are deep I'll take my remaining tight end over the middle...or the either receiver to beat their corner on a crossing pattern. Tight end on an inside screen sounds good. Let big Mike go and watch the play develop behind him. As far as running, misdirection would be an option. Regardless, this becomes way too hypothetical and I simply stand on the thought that an offensive mind would exploit a one dimensional player. It's like the wildcat. It's great at first...but then if you can't throw it....the QB/formation becomes much easier to defend. I.e. one dimensional.
  19. The possibilities are endless...you are putting a defender in who has to have basic cover skills and run stopping skills. Suffice it to say, Jasper would be one dimensional. I.e. he is going to run blitz every play. I think an offensive coordinator of a 'professional' football team could exploit this. Much of the NFL is about isolation on a defender and exploitation. This is a set up and if they don't attack mike directly someone else is 'thin' in covering for him. I love your bravado and it would be neat to see 'that' defense. Just wouldn't work but for the initial surprise. To directly answer your question...Come up in Single back set with two tight ends, two wide outs. QB under center. He sees Mike drooling at behind the nose. Audible to shotgun formation; one tight end drops to fullback slot (giving you two blockers in backfield). there is a 'hole' in your 3-4 defense. Run hot (quick) patterns with two wideouts and remaining tight end. I suspect we'd complete this most of the time.
  20. Anything is worth a thought. I would consider 'this' if it was a situation where we could guarantee the opposing team would run between the tackles. ANYTHING else happens on the play and we are essentially down a man. He could never cover and lateral pursuit would be an issue I presume (though he is a freak athletically). In other words, if the QB sees him there, he audibles to a seam route for the tight end or split back and it's game over (for that play anyway). You could 'roll' coverage to his spot to protect him but any good QB will pick that apart. If we thought Poz was slow in coverage....
  21. My first thought is the power of the beard will fade if used up too early. Hence, hockey players start the beard in the playoffs and, thus, have power to last through the Cup. Wait a minute...we haven't made the playoffs in a decade. START THE BEARD NOW!!!
  22. Never saw your 'quiz' before. that was a flash from the past and quite humorous. thanks.
  23. Alright...maybe call sign isn't the right phrase but follow me for a second. I'd like to get a thread of posters who strike with a repetitive (and mostly entertaining) catchphrase, name, link etc. For example: The Senator guarantees we will win every week regardless of record...and I love that he does it. The Peter Pan links. DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!! Retatta. Belinda. I want all you who have your own schtick to post it so we know who it belongs to. As above...the only one I "know" off the top of my head is "19-0 Baby!" I think Randy Costan owns Peter Pan but not sure. I'm certain I've missed many others so this should get interesting.
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