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Everything posted by BillsFanM.D.

  1. "Mike Jasper - He'll play" Looks like he will be on the roster and not PS. Unless this was some long range assessment. Thanks for posting this Bearded one. Really appreciate it and it has a lot of good info despite such a 'short' interview. thanks again.
  2. He might want to be careful. Somebody is likely watching him. ...and there lies the demise: common sense. Nope. seriously. Have we all not been 'there' on the golf course?
  3. Hilarious. Almost sounds like a Saturday night live news report. I can hear Chevy now: "A man was arrested yesterday after using a fake hammer to steal fake weed only to be shot in the a@@ with real bullets......and that's the news for tonight."
  4. In their day unions had a role (and still do to a degree) but to borrow a tired phrase from today: "The inmates are running the asylum."
  5. I had to check for myself. My first thought was that Crayon was a Proper noun. Hence, it could be pronounced however the heck Crayola wanted it to sound. Regardless, it seems to have two syllables. If you click the little speaker button next to the word you get a very emphatic CRAY-ON. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/crayon Edit: just noticed that they also list 'kran as a pronounciation. Guess either is good.
  6. Blame the schools, blame the government, blame TV, blame anybody. We wonder where the criminals come from (most of them anyway). Wonder no more. This video is case in point. This crap starts at home and with parents (most of the time). Epic fail by the 'father.'
  7. every time....
  8. Thanks Astro. It's good to hear what's potentially lurking. Having said that, I'll start the insanity....I've heard of 'em. Git r done Buddy.
  9. True respect. Nice!
  10. Still too early though he didn't live up to top ten status last year. Those folks (save quarterbacks) should contribute right away and in a big way. As far as the comparison to Maybin, it's already over. Maybin did nothing...zero...zilch while he was here. Spiller contributed a few hundred yards rushing last year and had a 95 yard return for a TD. Those stats dwarf Maybin's 'contribution.' Hence... Game, set and match Spiller. Obviously, Spiller's effort last year was nothing to get excited about. It just shows what an utter bust Maybin is. I expect a solid contribution/improvement from Spiller this year but given he will share the load with Fred he will not dominate statistically. It's hard to tell if he will ever 'live up' to that number nine pick. I'm hoping he runs well between the tackles, hits a few 'home runs' and shows he can pick up the blitz this year. It would give me hope for him going forward as a feature back. Otherwise, he will always be in that 'third down back' role.
  11. Buffalo kicks a@@ Kansas City will go down Super Bowl threads start
  12. So "his" career was a success then? I think the 25 million he got from the Bills is probably more important to him that that ring. sounds good to me. Was just going on who Jax picked. I took the old revisionist history, 'what could have been' approach. Point being, we acquired nothing for what turned out to be a pretty good running back.
  13. Loved this quote in the article: "David Miller, 30, was so hard up for drugs...."
  14. We traded a 1st and a 4th to acquire Rob Johnson from Jacksonville. -the 1st turned out to be Fred Taylor. We could have picked him up near the end of Thurman's career had we not traded the pick. Taylor is now a marginal hall of fame candidate. Very steady productive career. Nearly 12k rushing yards. -Rob Johnson turned out to be Rob Johnson. Sorry. I had already started typing....
  15. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/6916856/fred-taylor-retire-jacksonville-jaguars-rb-13-nfl-seasons Are we finally now done with that debacle of a trade?
  16. Talk about gullible You have to know better than that.
  17. just felt you should have emphasized it a bit more. Your verbage/point is spot on though. The organization deserves one of these----->
  18. Fool me once, shame on me. fool me twice, great marketing.
  19. That I could live with. If he tore it up with the Jets, I'd puke....not that I believe he has a chance of ever being an impact player in the NFL.
  20. That's been a complaint I've heard a few times. Unless that IUD is doing some funny things it shouldn't be 'felt.'
  21. IUD's are quite small and inserted in the uterus. i.e. 'higher' than where you would typically note the string. If the strings are gone, you shouldn't feel anything. In nearly 2 decades of medicine I've never heard this complaint. Doesn't make it impossible but certainly not common. My first question is about the device. Was the device placed properly? Has it migrated from where it should be? She might need to have that evaluated.
  22. I've read this about 10 times now...and it keeps getting funnier. Not sure if the first or second sentence is funnier.
  23. careful...there are laws against that kind of thing. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/133950-that-raft-was-asking-for-it/
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